Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Community Service For Sorority

Bufalotta massacre, gruesome discovery Carditello

Far too many times we talked about the discovery of the vast territory of dead Bufalotta Carditello. But before such scenes can not keep his mouth shut. Monday afternoon at 16, the first officer James Vitale and Deputy Superintendent Thomas Cestrone Body-wildlife agents zoophilic dell'ItalCaccia of Caserta, while they were conducting normal patrols within the vast estate of Carditello have discovered yet another slaughter of buffalo males. Unlike other findings, the place where it is measured further serious habit of farmers Caserta, is in keeping away vaticali Ferrandell the border between the territory of San Tammaro and Santa Maria la Fossa. The road that is next to the note landfill Caserta, are present in an area where as many as 11 buffalo farms. You are Bufalotta deaths between the ages of three and eight days, four of which were left on the stretch of road, while others were thrown into the canal. Incredible views of these four examples right on the poor side of the road. The perpetrators of this crime have not had a good heart even to move from the street. Even more appalling is the way they met their death. I still live Bufalotta were tied to a tractor, two at a time from a rope and put to death, dragged to the place of discovery. These actions take place with inhuman cruelty that is very difficult to tell. The life of most males is a real agony. Except for the chosen few farmers do not know what to do, because they are not useful either for breeding or milk production. To avoid spending approximately € 20 for removal by the company entitled to this, Bufalotta are killed and abandoned in less frequented places. Just in traffic area has been the discovery of the two wildlife-zoophilic agents that, immediately after, they contacted the police headquarters in San Tammaro and the Veterinary Service of ASL that must satisfy the conditions of animals before removal. Finding the perpetrators of such actions is almost impossible, because they act in strange times. The law on this is very hard. Exactly 's article 189 of 2004, legislating for the treatment of animals, provides harsh penalties. Perpetrators of such crimes end up in jail without objection. The only way to find out who is behind these murders is continuing to take the culprits in the act, but in a vast territory, as is keeping Carditello, the percentage is close to zero.

Source: Interno18


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