Monday, September 8, 2008

Nero Reloaded Descargar


First meeting Monday September 15, 2008 14:00

What is gelato? Brief of physics and chemistry for the professional ice cream maker. The concept of the mixture (liquid feed basis).

goods and homemade ice cream; knowledge of the best ingredients and their function to obtain a quality ice cream.

balancing parameters of mixtures (product analysis) to avoid the most common defects in the ice cream: texture total sugars, fat, skinny, and other components of milk solids.

The construction of the recipe in the logic of what we want get; ice characterized, high quality and well balanced.

analysis of the two processing methods commonly adopted for the production of ice cream; classical system and system Trittico ®.

Production of ice creams with the Triptych ®. Enhancement of the system: specific work one flavor, health quality, perfectly balanced, ionic system, etc.. Color-flavor lineup. Ice cream classic and trendy, to make our unique "bid."

Second Meeting TUESDAY September 16, 2008 14:00

sugar and ice cream: product category, capacity and power sweetener antifreeze. Analysis and use of the main sweetener commonly used by ice cream.

Possible reinstatement of ice creams in the top hygiene care through the use of custom Trittico ®.

Trittico ® for the production of sugar syrups in various densities. Labeling and proper storage of food containers in our semi-finished creation.

Production of sorbets containing high percentage of seasonal fruit. Color-flavor lineup. Material properties of the fruit.

enhancement of our proposals: exhibition quality, information strategy. The sign "unique" ingredients as a means to highlight the quality. Final Thoughts on

Trittico ® Plus system: the ice cream in the world of pastry and gastronomy.

Booking courses with limited


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