Thursday, October 22, 2009

Do Cocoa Butter Removes Dark Marks


La Fabbrica dei Sapori ... "is based on years of activity of Cosimo Mogavero in the restaurant business began in 1984, opening the pizzeria Victoria Battipaglia made with his wife Anna Guarracino. With the experience gained after more than a decade of intense work, with his brother Antonio, for the improvement and the precise definition of a rigorous process artisan production, Cosimo Mogavero has designed and developed a system of direct provision of pizzas prepared to ' pizza with other internal staff and operated by third parties providing care to both the external image of the year is the preparation of staff serving at the table. This approach allowed the statement of a practical and innovative way of working, which is reflected Ciripizza in the development of brands and pizza, the first of which interprets the latest standard from the debate on slow food gained in recent years, with table service and the enjoyment of a warm and tender based on a number of complementary services. The second, fast as a typical self-service format meets the needs of a discerning consumer who wants to combine quality with the recovery of the times. Currently there are three operating rooms with brand Ciripizza including two in Salem and one in Milan, the first step in franchising in Italy. Due, however, the local brand Pizza, another one at Salerno and Eboli. Cosimo Mogavero has devoted much of his energies to the enhancement and promotion of traditional pizza bell in its various expressions and local interpretations - participation in the development and dissemination, in Italy and abroad, the culture of quality in the production and processing of raw materials, management of artisan production process and services provided to customers and, Finally, in the training and qualifications of operators involved in the production chain.
A complete chain from laboratory to final consumption, all within a few meters
Consulting and Services for the traditional pizzeria bell craft, in particular concerning the following aspects (strength of Cosimo Mogavero, prof. Eugenio Luigi Iorio and other professionals sector pizzeria Traditional): - Raw materials (phases of logistics inbound and outbound logistics preparation of the same, so you can carry in-store with a sign Ciripizza and pizza), dedicated equipment, methods, production process control, organization, training, goodwill; feasibility, design, promotion, development assistance, supply chain, supplies, franchises, bars, pizzeria and pizza Cirpizza, kitchen, food and wine events (local gastronomy bell, Italian) and other types that still revolve around the theme of gastronomy, exhibitions, books (corner of Corrado Barberis and Luciano Pignataro); conferences, wine tasting workshop, cooking classes, receptions.

"La Fabbrica dei Sapori ..."
Spineta Street, 84 / C
84091 Battipaglia (SA)
Tel: +39 0828 630021
Fax: +39 0828 630942
Open daily from 8 am


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