Monday, September 21, 2009

Firstaudtions Free Clips

Vallo della Lucania, U 'Parlour

mass fraction. Via San Pietro Celestino, 66
Tel 0974.76210, 335.6221266
Closed Tuesdays. Holidays variables in winter

Getting . Leave the Salerno-Reggio Battipaglia and continue to Vallo. After the center of town, climb the old road 18 for a couple of miles until the mass fraction. The restaurant is in the heart of the building, well marked.

Cilento gastronomic success also depends on the emergence of new premises such as this, opened in early 2006 in the village Mass in an old convent that is waiting to be revived and restored. The decor is traditional, such as wood and stone, just as you would expect in a village inn, where you think more to take refuge from the cold rather than seeking the cool, but this is typical of the South who played his survival in a long and eternal struggle against the harsh climate beyond a oleography created recently. This is evident from traditional cooking, heavy and strong. The influence of Luke is announced by the sausages, excellent sopressata the nearby Gioi, Slow Food, and the dried sausage plus the cheese: mozzarella inevitable in the myrtle, that is in the myrtle, used to do as the shepherds of the mountain to which Gelbison holds on the fraction of the capital of Cilento. Unfortunately, the dairies have also launched one with buffalo milk, while the true myrtle is obtained by processing cow's milk. This is a very rich mozzarella and tasty product of animals raised in the semi that spend their days grazing in the hills and mountains. We must say that the cure for cheese is definitely a specialty of this place, not very common in local culture, because we noted a mixture of lecherous goat cheese and ricotta, a cheese podolico drowned in red wine, good pieces of cheese and then silane the ubiquitous mozzarella. The recovery of the plates is philological really live the recipe of the garden, dall'involtino eggplant with the meat to tomatoes au gratin, to zuccchine stuffed, fried zucchini flowers, asparagus omelettes. The first are usually preceded by soup, cicci married or pasta with beans, the ever-present and cavatielli fusilli with meat sauce, seasoned with the good the cavatielli ciurilli. With a normal meat, grilled lamb, goat, veal, pork ribs with the pappacelle, then take off again with mugliatielli (gnummariddi in Lucania), or the kid's gut stuffed and roasted, the insides of the boar and fried pork. A delight of my favorites that enhances the palate capable of loving biodiversity and flavors created before the advent of soft and morally harmful baby products from the multinationals. Homemade cakes and biscuits, among which the typical honey biscuits for the finale. The coffee is served with the Neapolitan. The wine, after some initial uncertainty, there finally is moving exclusively on the great proposal Cilento rolling Cobellis, De Conciliis, Botti, Maffini. From the business account, we are about 25-30 €.


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