Monday, June 22, 2009

Breitling With Lab Made Diamonds

Pomodoro di Pachino Pomodoro & History of Beijing






These days, complicit in the great heat wave that engulfed the peninsula, alternating with large hail and squalls of interest, for the past four days, the warm afternoons and mild evenings of central and northern Italy, where they hear of all colors.

share responsibility for precisely these climatic factors, accompanied by anxiety for the qualifying examination, students who see the training center where I work, future Commission (future, maybe, cooks and chef), and here is fomenting "ducks from consideration."

One of the many that initially made me laugh a little, but then, with the revision (aided by my colleague David), he gave me a little to reflect that fact is mentioned in the title of Post:

The word tomato comes out in Beijing is a task instead of the correct "Pomodoro di Pachino".

In this case, of course, the error was not "wanted" (it was, I hope, a simple error of voice).

But one wonders if, in the near future, the tomato is not in Beijing but the words that we use!

Back home, I decided to document and In fact, this problem has already been addressed last year, when the Coldiretti of Sicily, he complained of severe interference in the market selling their fantastic Pomodoro di Pachino IGP, caused by the importation of tomatoes, especially in the cluster variety of sources Asian.

This survey also reveals a level of non-collection "of 50%, not only at the level of production in Sicily, but at national level.

said, will reclaim the interested reader a small selection of the site , through which the Consortium of Pomodoro di Pachino IGP seeks to bring the consumer the proper consumption of the main product of the south-eastern Sicily.

The four types of tomatoes of Pachino

One of the most common clichés of Pachino tomato identifies the true with the variety commonly called "cherry". Nothing more wrong! The specification of
Pomodoro di Pachino IGP classifies and protects as many as four different types of tomato, all with different characteristics, and intended for various market segments. They are all types that share a high degree brix, by an extraordinary resistance to post harvest and a bright color and attractive. We learn to know them better, to exploit its potential for use in many high-quality food.

Pomodoro di Pachino "smooth round"

Small and round, dark green, unmistakable taste very strong. It 's very popular with consumers across the Alps. Its fruits are of unparalleled consistency.

Pomodoro di Pachino "cluster"

A cluster or pitted, can be green or red. Round, smooth, bright color and attractive, with dark green collar. Its weight varies with the salinity of the soil cultivation.

Pomodoro di Pachino "ribbed"

Fruit large, aesthetically attractive, marked off the coasts, of green color dark and bright. This category has won the favor of replacing domestic consumption in winter (best time for the production of this type) the round salad tomato. The tomato ribbed highlights the best features if grown in soils whose salinity is very high.

Pomodoro di Pachino "cherry"

characteristic for the appearance of "cherry" on a cluster herringbone with round fruit, small, excellent color and high brix.

Install Craftsman 53555


The origins of orecchiette are not to be found in Puglia, but most likely in the Provencal French , where since the Middle Ages was produced using a similar pasta durum wheat in the south France. It was a very thick dough and form of discs, hollow at the center by pressing the thumb: this particular form for easy drying, and then to address the retention periods of famine. It also seems that large amounts were loaded on ships that were preparing to travel long distances.

then, would be spread throughout Basilicata and Puglia with their current name Angevins , a dynasty that ruled in the thirteenth century the lands of the Regions. Distinguished scholars of food and wine from Puglia - recall here only the most authoritative , Professor Luigi Sada - have shown that the auricles have originated in the territory of Sannicandro di Bari, during the rule of the Norman-Swabian, between the twelfth and thirteenth century . According to Professor Sada, an interesting feature of orecchiette, related to the particular attitude of protection against the local Jewish community by the Norman-Swabian their is probably derived from some traditional Jewish recipes as the or ecchi Haman - the antagonist of the book of Esther - we find, for example, some sweets or Sephardim in the Croisettes, a type of pasta prepared in the Occitan Valleys of Piedmont , a distant relative of orecchiette S annicandro also likely influence in the Middle East .

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Normal To Feel Dizzy On A Treadmill

Piedmont Taste

Here is the site of the Regione Piemonte - Department all ' agriculture, protection of fauna and flora - which are collected extensive information on most typical Piedmontese food and wine.

Excellent graphics and great content!

Sections covered:


Noble, bright, distinctive, Harmonic, Sparkling ... aging more and more is good ... and those who drink it?

Geo-Quality Products

When reviewing the areas of production of quality products in Piedmont.


Seasoned, fresh, soft, pressed, tasty to taste and eat: milk smells and tastes of herbs and mountain.


Wheat, barley, rye, oats, corn, sorghum and rice ... cereals as food habits and cultural traditions.


prized vegetables, local vegetables, fruit quality ... recipes for all seasons in the peasant tradition of ingenuity.


fresh, processed, healthy, genuine ... the world of Piedmontese beef for a healthy diet and proper.


grains, meats, vegetables, cakes ... organic farming, farming systems integrated products business of microfilm.


Bagna caoda and Barbera, Dolcetto d'Alba and boiled, hazelnut cake and sparkling wine ... all the perfumes and flavors of the Piedmont.


Protected Designation of Origin and Protected Geographical Indication.

Horizontal Slat Wood Fence

Agrigelateria St. Pé

... Summer is frozen
St. Pé ... is the agricultural ice cream!

Located in the hills overlooking the river and the town of Banna Poirino, stands the farmhouse St. Pé. A lively family-run farm producing 'Milk High Quality' which in part turns into ice cream, to offer it in a calm and welcoming environment. A shed has been transformed as a bit 'a' winter garden 'and a bit 'a' grandmother's living room ', where you can enjoy a unique ice cream. Thus was born the first 'Agrigelateria' of Italy!

Open Season
From the second Saturday of February to April 30, open every Friday, Saturday, Sunday, holidays and pre
from 10.30 to 24.00.


From 1 May until the second Sunday of September, open every day from 10.30 to 24.00.


From the third weekend in September until the Saints (Halloween), opening Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays, holidays and days preceding holidays from 10.30 to 24.00.


Winter Break Closing
Since the end of the feast of Saints until the end of January.

NB On sunny days of autumn and spring there are also open every day from 1
4.30 to 19.30!

Agrigelateria St. Pé at the farm in
Cascina San Pietro, 29 / A - Poirino (TO)

Tel & Fax: 011 9452651

Email: Web:

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

How To Become A Distributor For Hair Products

Cheese 2009

Cheese A walk through the streets of the old town of Bra - with trips outside the territory and to Pollenzo - Become a real journey of discovery and feelings they have for products featuring the diverse world of cheese and more.
This knowledge path is above all a moment of pleasure to live together with family and friends, to meet or to discover new tastes of the ancients, who believed themselves forgotten, is a time aggregation, a party that has developed around the rich program of events that Cheese offers its visitors and we invite you to discover in the pages of this site.

Calox Sibutramina Clorhidrato

Slow Cheese 2009 Food for Abruzzo

a buying group to help producers Abruzzo

News from the site slow food

Great success for the initiative conceived by Slow Food Italy: the creation of buying groups at national level to help the producers of the Presidium of the food community and L'Aquila. The project brought together 11 local businesses that have put together packages containing the value of 215 € and that their products have been shipped to those who requested it.
was collected hundreds of accessions for a collection of 40 000 € In addition to the proposal exceeded the classical channels associations (pipelines, associated Presidia producers) to enter the circuit of the fair trade groups.

Raffaele Cavallo, President of Slow Food Abruzzo, comments: "This initiative, as well as having had an unexpected success, has highlighted once again just how rooted our network and above all has allowed small producers Aquila able to resume activities after a few weeks after the earthquake. This is valid not only economic but also and mainly social and psychological support towards those who have seen the collapse of buildings and certainty. Even today the main problem to be addressed in earthquake-hit areas is the recovery of assets, without which the people will be tempted to abandon their lands and their commitments in agriculture. "

After two months after the earthquake now emerges clearly an issue that the media have reported in a marginal way, but that involves all the food producers in the province of L'Aquila has plunged the local demand for products territory. In an area with about 80 000 inhabitants, at least 30 000 people were staying on the coast, hotels provided by Civil Defence, while others are mostly housed in tents. Few are obviously spending, businesses and local people are mostly inactive when it unusable, tourism weekend canceled.
This situation is putting the economy on their knees those breeders and farmers who can not count on a regional and national market.
Alarming data from our headmaster: they are affected in particular cheese producers in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Gran Sasso, where Slow Food has established the Presidio of Canestrato of Castel del Monte. From Easter to the end of April Giulio Petronio, one of the producers of the Presidium, has sold about 20 pounds of cheese instead of the ten tons sold during the same period the year and there are still tons of cheese in the aging process. The Presidio lentil Santo Stefano di Sessanio, a small village of a hundred inhabitants, famous for small farmers grow legumes dark on rough terrain, it still had more than 10 tons of unsold a few weeks ago she left the competition in solidarity .

He has worked on the project and coordinated the shipment of parcels of Gransasso Operators Association of Italy, which brings together a group of producers - not only of the Slow Food - the area Aquila