Monday, June 15, 2009

Cost Of Weymouth Club

Io Mangio Gofri

The history of this company is the brainchild of two girls living in Chisone (Turin), Jourdan Marzia Lazzerini and Erica.
activity that started in preparing a wafer is typical of their valleys, the gofri, but also preparing for winter cajette and mulled wine.
With a properly equipped van to reach countries in celebration, festivals, meetings and sports in general events taking place on the street.
The gofri is a waffle ingredients water, eggs, flour and yeast, which is cooked on the special cast-iron pans spread heat evenly and then stuff with your favorite fresh or salt. 'S actually a very old recipe that was used in Chisone and high Val di Susa, especially in winter when they did not make bread, cooked on the stove of the house these wafers used as bread.
"I eat gofri" is the name we have given the girls to their activities which was born thanks to the contribution of the MIP, a service of the Province of Turin.

I eat gofri snc Jourdan Marzia Lazzerini and Erica
Frz. Castel del Bosco, 113-10060 Roure (TO) Tel / Fax
the - www.
Contacts Marzia cell for private parties. 339.66.24.176


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