Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Calox Sibutramina Clorhidrato

Slow Cheese 2009 Food for Abruzzo

a buying group to help producers Abruzzo

News from the site slow food

Great success for the initiative conceived by Slow Food Italy: the creation of buying groups at national level to help the producers of the Presidium of the food community and L'Aquila. The project brought together 11 local businesses that have put together packages containing the value of 215 € and that their products have been shipped to those who requested it.
was collected hundreds of accessions for a collection of 40 000 € In addition to the proposal exceeded the classical channels associations (pipelines, associated Presidia producers) to enter the circuit of the fair trade groups.

Raffaele Cavallo, President of Slow Food Abruzzo, comments: "This initiative, as well as having had an unexpected success, has highlighted once again just how rooted our network and above all has allowed small producers Aquila able to resume activities after a few weeks after the earthquake. This is valid not only economic but also and mainly social and psychological support towards those who have seen the collapse of buildings and certainty. Even today the main problem to be addressed in earthquake-hit areas is the recovery of assets, without which the people will be tempted to abandon their lands and their commitments in agriculture. "

After two months after the earthquake now emerges clearly an issue that the media have reported in a marginal way, but that involves all the food producers in the province of L'Aquila has plunged the local demand for products territory. In an area with about 80 000 inhabitants, at least 30 000 people were staying on the coast, hotels provided by Civil Defence, while others are mostly housed in tents. Few are obviously spending, businesses and local people are mostly inactive when it unusable, tourism weekend canceled.
This situation is putting the economy on their knees those breeders and farmers who can not count on a regional and national market.
Alarming data from our headmaster: they are affected in particular cheese producers in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Gran Sasso, where Slow Food has established the Presidio of Canestrato of Castel del Monte. From Easter to the end of April Giulio Petronio, one of the producers of the Presidium, has sold about 20 pounds of cheese instead of the ten tons sold during the same period the year and there are still tons of cheese in the aging process. The Presidio lentil Santo Stefano di Sessanio, a small village of a hundred inhabitants, famous for small farmers grow legumes dark on rough terrain, it still had more than 10 tons of unsold a few weeks ago she left the competition in solidarity .

He has worked on the project and coordinated the shipment of parcels of Gransasso Operators Association of Italy, which brings together a group of producers - not only of the Slow Food - the area Aquila


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