Thursday, November 4, 2010

Employee Annual Evaluation Verbiage

Christmas cake .... Industrial or artisan? 1 st installment of a virtual

Among the various issues that afflict the common sense of the vast community of users of panettone, at least one is worthy of attention: dualism between industrial and artisanal panettone panettone . It is a duality dummy, which is largely due to an error of perspective. The panettone panettone and artisanal industry, although they represent variations of the same product, correspond to the needs and expectations significantly different aesthetic food.

Panettone industry, notorious even among the less greedy, is on the market under different brands (some famous); usually different age price are to relate to a different qualitative value, according to a quality / price ratio fairly constant, which allows us to direct our choice. Anyone who wants a better product, more soft and fragrant, will spend a few euro more.

The cake is usually produced by artisan bakeries and craft workshops, small and medium enterprises that do not work in an industrial product. This implies that its price is much higher, not necessarily with a proportional gain in quality. The largest expenditure, however, is justified by the slight difference in taste, and the obvious freshness of the product. While the panettone industry began to be produced in August to be sold around the Christmas period, the industrial cake bought at the confectioner of trust or will be produced on commission or have seniority up to a few days. To each his own.

the next few "episodes" ... some reviews.!


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