Thursday, November 4, 2010

How To Change Sims Aspiration On Sims 3

their blog to the reality of meals at the Salone del Gusto 2010. Came the chef-bloggers. Little chefs grow

They call it "food-blog revolution", and is another proof of how the Internet is able to innovate from the bottom and provide new insights to the reality that exists in virtually every field: from 'information communication in general, through areas traditionally reserved to industry experts, as with that food. And if someone may seem excessive to speak of a revolution, at least we are faced with a significant evolution, meanwhile, after picking up a good consensus from the users of the virtual network, has exceeded the boundaries of the Internet also to bring his experience at the Salone del Gusto 2010, thanks to the interesting initiative Pasta Garofalo, who, in collaboration with the Web portal She has promoted the contest "Blogger on stage at the Salone del Gusto".

Ten chef-bloggers, seen as the most deserving by a panel of quality according to a formula presented for the occasion, you are indeed learn how to prepare a first course, assisted by a professional chef, to submit to the participants on its workhorse inspired by the pasta. Almost all self-taught, this and this chef-bloggers share a visceral passion for cooking and the belief that the exchange across the network represents, at all levels, the future of this world, the concept among other well-summarized by the great Ferran AdriĆ  Turin during the days of the Show with these clear words: "The network will be the crucial element, will allow us to share our findings with anyone interested in cooking, in real time and in any part of the world and deal with them. "

well aware of the ten-chef bloggers busy in their preparations, leave the four walls, from the virtual keyboard, mouse and camera, to get real for the Salone del Gusto. A great opportunity that we shared with some of them, starting with Tweety Seal of Kucina blog, working on the first day of the contest with his Rigatoni with buffalo ricotta and zucchini, which is burdened with a surplus of emotions touched by opening dances. With her and with other participants, from Lydia's blog Capasso Tzatziki breakfast (omelette of macaroni and cauliflower on his plate) to Joan Esposito Lost-in-kitchen (Bucatini showed that blacks with broccoli, bacon, potatoes and cheese), we talked of past experiences, of how sometimes the blog is a way to renew and revive the mother's or grandmother's recipes, but also the place where you can compare all field, knowing that the public will pronounce on the quality of what is proposed. Sometimes, as in the case of exuberant Fabrizio Cioffi Arteteca's Kitchen (the contest with Spaghetti with shrimp and tomato), it comes to providing a creative outlet and flavorful to their irrepressible desire to do ("Arteteca" is precisely a word of the Neapolitan dialect which means craving, restlessness).

For someone who makes the leap and went from the professional side, such as in the case of Sigrid Verbert (in the cover photo, also work at the stand Garofalo), creator of the blog in 2005 brussels sprouts appreciated and now independent photographer and author of cookbooks, many are those who remain behind the keyboard, carefully cultivating his passion for taste and communication. In the belief of being part of a great community, which is intended to gradually feel more and more to its weight, and help to make more tangible the food-blog revolution.

From "La Stampa", 27/10/2010, Francesco Benincasa.


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