Thursday, December 30, 2010

Can U Drink On Fluconazole?

2010 e. .. Happy 2011! ^ ^

I liked this tag SCTS up and then I thought riproporvelo: our favorite products for certain categories. In my experience cosmetic products this year to elect my favorites are:
  • shampoo: essenlunga lime and wheat germ for delicate hair
  • balm: Lavera mousse mango and my spignattato
  • facial cleanser: essex baby cleansing gel
  • face cream or serum: my face cream bellizzimaaa *- * and the eye that I have yet to review bjobj
  • cleaner body omnia shower gel soothing botanical / organic shop green line
  • body cream: spignatatte my creams, I have tried other
  • intimate wash: omnia botany / essex
  • deodorant: one made by me, yet I have not tried one that I like the market
  • toothpaste: elmex Green essex
  • makeup: a little all the tricks Lavera
And for you, for these categories, what are the favorite products of 2010? We have now, these are the last days of 2010, what will you do for New Years? Take care, wherever you are, have fun and celebrate! I wish you a wonderful year, colorful, sparkling, full of love, surprises (positive!), satisfaction and beauty! ;)
Happy 2011 to you all! Greetings! : D

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

To Buy Portable Colour Tv's

But if ...

... but if, for example, in 2011, I wrote my post in English, according to you would be a good idea? or an unnecessary splash?
E 'that when I view the statistics I see that I visited many foreign countries. Captain Maybe many here by accident, but some use the translator to translate my post, so what I write may be of interest beyond the border and I want that everyone could understand.
The language known to be an insurmountable barrier, and even if you understand the theme of my blog from the photos, do not understand a word you do not invite certain to follow:) and the translator on-line many times that means a little wants, is not very reliable XD
Certainly I am not referring to visitors from countries such as Switzerland, Spain or France can clearly see the Italian as we understand better or worse, and English, French or Italians living abroad, but who happen here from Lithuania, or Thailand, or India for example, Italian and understands nothing.
But at this point I should also translate everything I wrote before? XD noooooooooooooo
blog friends what do you think? let me know your opinion! Reservoirs:)

Friday, December 24, 2010

Shaving Pubic Area Swim Team

Merry Christmas! SOS Hair Cream

Merry Christmas to all my readers / players, all my "friends blog ") to those who help me make this blog more interesting, to my followers ... well wishes to all! Merry Christmas to you all: D

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Island Def Jam Internship

flax, chamomile, mallow and oats

I spignatatto this cream for hair be used as SOS in case of acute seccezza. It 'came with a dense texture type mask (if the tips remains stationary) due to the emulsifier and montanov esterquats, the conditioning EcoBio which also has emulsifying properties. Here the Recipe for 100 ml:

hair cream recipe SOS flax, chamomile, mallow and oats 100 ml

Step A:
gel 35 ml linseed
hydrolat chamomile (cold) 30 ml Glycerol 2.5 ml

Step B:
grapeseed oil 5
ml wheat germ oil 5 ml
castor oil 5 ml
shea butter
montanov 2 g 5 g 2 g

Step C:
extract 2.5 ml mauve
avenolat 2 ml
silk proteins 35 gtt
ceramides 1 ml 1 ml
perfume lily of the valley 2 drops
preservative solution Na + K
2.5 ml lactic acid pH 5.5 to 5 drops

I proceeded normally but with a lower share of the aqueous phase, emulsifying hot because I had to add the hydrolat the end, cold, first of assets. So I proceeded with the emulsion gel with only the flaxseed, I emulsified whipping and then I added little by little the hydrolat always blending, so that mixes well with the rest of the cream. This step is a bit sensitive because the cream may react in unexpected ways,: D but it was fine. I accidentally put the oil of wheat germ hot, but never mind, next time be more careful.
When the cream was the coldest I've added all the assets, then the preservative and then the lactic acid to adjust pH and mixed all fine with me frullatina final. I am wonderfully well with the lactic acid because, unlike that of citric acid in grains, a liquid and this makes it much easier things. I've had poured some into a small 10 ml bottle with dropper and is very comfortable. And here it is:

In fact, it came a little too thick, so I think that I will use only the tips to enhance or mask some pre-shampoo "base", because as you see between being active and B is a real bomb: D
E 'come naturally scented by dell'idrolato chamomile which is very fragrant, I added 2 drops of fragrance but do not feel right. The finish is a little strange smell, like yeast, however, is not too bad XD oo. What do you think?

Does Pregnancy Discharge Look Like Ovulation I

preservative solution

Yes I know, is not the most fascinating post I will publish, but I was over the preservative solution and, as I was in the mood to take photos ^ ^ I've also taken some of the proceedings to make my solution as a preservative, so if anyone thinks it is difficult to realize that this too is nonsense and will be encouraged to do so ;: D To make it you need:

- distilled water 80 g
- potassium sorbate
10 grams - 10 grams sodium benzoate

Here is the photographic process: Here the weight of water (but you can also measure it in a beaker if you graduated is better, the 80 grams of water corresponding to 80 ml)

Here the 10 weight grams of sodium benzoate, which is small white specks. Pour in water and stir until it melts everything. When everything is melted water will return to transparent.

And here the weight of 10 grams of potassium sorbate grains, a little larger than a white rose. Again, mix until everything is completely melted. The water will turn a pale yellow.

And here's the finished solution. Here are just done and is still a somewhat cloudy, then clear again.

Put it in a jar and when you need it, Take the amount needed with a syringe. Just remember a few important things:
- the solution is basic and raises the pH of your spignatto, then lactic acid or citric acid test in hand, adjust the pH around 5
- these preservatives operate between pH 4, 5 and 5.5.

I hope you can be useful;)

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Scholarships To Study Medicine

Balm Gel

I made a new conditioner, and since it is a spignatti the less I like to do, I decided to make 500 ml at once: D I used the gel flaxseed did earlier (a little diluted with water to bring the phase A and 400-ml I needed) and I also used linseed oil, used cold. Here is the recipe for 500 ml of product, next to the% of ingredients:

recipe for balm to flax:

Step A:
gel flaxseed about 300 ml (gel + 80% water) water 50 ml

glycerine 25 ml (5%)

Step B:
esterquats 40 g (8%)
cetyl 7.5 (1.5%)
linseed oil 20 ml (4% cold)

Step C:
12.5 ml preservative (2.5% )
lactic acid pH 5.5 for 16 drops 20 drops

caramel aroma vanilla flavoring 20 drops 20 drops coconut fragrance

This is the gel that I thinned with a little water because I needed to phase 400 ml aqueous and the gel was a little less, I mixed and then I added the glycerin, and I mixed it again. If you were to repeat the same procedure and Ilmio there should appear to be glycerin or acquanon nothing they can blend well to gel fear the heat and keep stirring everything will be smooth and blends perfectly.

The two stages of heating in a water bath, left the A, B right in that I only put esterquats and cetyl, because the linseed oil I added the cold already made emulsion

And here is the balm. I put the B in phase A (remember, when you never do the balm on the contrary, always the aqueous phase in the oily!) And I immediately whipped with the blender, and I got the emulsion:)

A closeup of my spignattino without flash ...

... and the flash ...

... and here in jars, 2, 250 ml:) unfortunately my photos are all pink: but I assure you that the result is a beautiful white, ivory slightly by dela perfume:)

I did not put silk proteins because I just finished but there should be. In any case I really needed balm and I did not want to wait to buy to buy the balm nor spignattarlo already done, so this time I did not. If it is not good I tell you, so you do not do well without protein: D Maybe the scent is a little fort, I had better put 15 drops each aromatic extract instead of 20 but a matter of taste. You like it?? : D

Pokemon Light Platinum Gameshark

flax flaxseed

This is the famous gel flaxseed, the spignatto a must and a must for your hair! By a decoction of these seeds are a gel that does well in our hair, it's cheap and easy to do. Usually the doses that are used to make the gel are:

water 300 ml
flaxseed 40 g

but I used it quite a bit for various hair spignatti , so I made double, viz

600 ml distilled water
flaxseed 80 g

Make the decoction is simple: measure the water, puts it in a saucepan and bring to ebbollizione. In the meantime, weigh the seeds and put them in a colander and then soaking in the water already boiling, so that the water covers them flush. We do stand to soak for 5 minutes while you mix.

This is below the gel obtained, the consistency that you get depends on how the boil, it can be more liquid or thicker

with the dosage regimen I've got almost 350 ml

And that's all, as you see it's super easy and super fast. I used it as an ingredient for other spignatti but can also be used only as a pre-pack shampoo or hair gel. The preservative important, because for my own experience I know that goes bad very quickly, so if you do not have the preservative freeze it in cubes or keep in the fridge and use it only 2-3 days. Try it!;)

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Mainstream Female Domination


Preservatives are an essential ingredient for cosmetic products that contain water. They are intended to ensure that we develop in a cosmetic bacteria, mold, yeast and other unwanted guests.
For the function, to make the environment inhospitable to these microorganisms, preservatives are not substances "harmless" but they are all more or less potentially irritating, so it is important to choose the most suitable preservative us always respects its percentage of use.

The preservative we can keep our product safely at room temperature for a certain number of months (which varies depending on the type of preservative) without preoccupation that goes bad. Without a cosmetic preservative rather short-lived, must be stored in the refrigerator and consumed within a few days then we have to do it again: uncomfortable! So preservatives alive:)

The preservatives may be soluble or fat soluble. As I alluded to above, only the cosmetics that contain water in need of a preservative, and are emulsions (ie cream), aqueous lotions, detergents with surfactants.
water soluble preservative is fine for these preparazoini because it binds to water and safely run. A fat-soluble preservative instead needs to bind to a share of fat to function, then in a cream will do just fine because the cream contains some fat, but not watery in a tonic, But you can use it disperses in the water solubilizing.
cosmetics that do not have the aqueous phase, such as butters, oils, mineral makeup, the lip stick, etc.. do not need a preservative itself. The most that can use an antioxidant that prevents oxidation and thus rancidity, fats, such as vitamin E (tocopherol).

Some preservatives need to work a certain pH, then every time you spignatta something you have to be always careful to measure the pH and adjust it, respecting the range, if we may so call it, our preservative.

The preservatives that I use for now are sodium benzoate and potassium sorbate, are powders and granules, both water-soluble. It's very convenient to prepare a solution made with distilled water as follows:
  • H2O 80 g
  • 10 grams sodium benzoate, potassium sorbate
10 grams per 100 grams of product need to be kept 2.5 ml of this solution.

time ago I made a list of preservatives EcoBio interesting with its suppliers, which I reproduce here:

INCI name: silver citrate + citric acid
Who has it: Pharmacy Vernon
Hydro / Lipo: Water-soluble
Notes: afraid of the light! cosmetics preserved with him should be kept in dark bottles in the dark

INCI name: Benzyl alcohol, Dehydroacetic acid, aqua (Water). Who's got
: Aroma Zone
Hydro / Lipo: Water-soluble up to 1%. Soluble in alcohol.
Dosage: 0.2 to 1%. 0.6% Suggested

Naticide / Q Plantaserve
INCI name: fragrance
About have it: Aroma Zone, New Directions
Hydro / Lipo: fat-soluble, soluble in alcohol. Dispersible in water with 0.6%
Dosage: 0.3 to 1%. 0.6% Suggested

Preservative 12
INCI name: Phenoxyethanol (and) Ethylexylglycerine
Who has it: Aromantic
Hydro / Lipo:?
Dosage: 0.8 to 1%
Restrictions pH: pH is not particularly sensitive, you can use up to pH 12
Note: you can not use products that contain detergents.

Preservative K
INCI name: Benzyl Alcohol, Phenoxyethanol, and Potassium Sorbate
Who has it: Aromantic
Hydro / Lipo:?
Dosage: 0.5-0.6%
Restrictions pH below 5.5
conserved quantity: 1 year and a half to three years

Lexgard GMCY
INCI name: Glyceryl Caprylate
Who has it:?
Hydro / Lipo:
Note: also used as an emollient and coemulsionante

Inci name: Phenoxyethanol (and) glycol caprylyl
Who has it: Gracefruit, Lotioncrafter
Hydro / Lipo:?
Dosage: 0.5-1.5% pH
Restrictions: No
Notes: is the maximum temperature of 60 ° C

Inci name: Dehyroacetic acid, Benzyl alcohol
Who's got
: Bilby & Co
Hydro / Lipo:?
Dosage: 0.6 to 0.8%
Restrictions pH: 2 to 7

Geogard Ultra
INCI name: Gluconolactone (and) Sodium Benzoate
Who has it: lotioncrafter
Hydro / Lipo:
Note: now they sell it by the name of NeoDefend and the incidence is: Gluconolactone (and) Sodium Benzoate

Unfortunately I could not complete the "boards" of some preservatives, because I did not , never used and do not know them well, and unfortunately not all sites show the complete technical specifications of products. So if anyone has any info as well write them in the comments which then published the post:)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

How To Write Proposal On A Tv Programme

snowing ... For beautiful hair

today just wake up here in Milan I had a pleasant surprise: many beautiful white, fluffy flakes of snow: D it was so that I could not see more ... I would post pictures but now I can not! if I can do it after:) in Sicily instead there are 25 ° and sirocco wind from you ... the weather?