Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Does Pregnancy Discharge Look Like Ovulation I

preservative solution

Yes I know, is not the most fascinating post I will publish, but I was over the preservative solution and, as I was in the mood to take photos ^ ^ I've also taken some of the proceedings to make my solution as a preservative, so if anyone thinks it is difficult to realize that this too is nonsense and will be encouraged to do so ;: D To make it you need:

- distilled water 80 g
- potassium sorbate
10 grams - 10 grams sodium benzoate

Here is the photographic process: Here the weight of water (but you can also measure it in a beaker if you graduated is better, the 80 grams of water corresponding to 80 ml)

Here the 10 weight grams of sodium benzoate, which is small white specks. Pour in water and stir until it melts everything. When everything is melted water will return to transparent.

And here the weight of 10 grams of potassium sorbate grains, a little larger than a white rose. Again, mix until everything is completely melted. The water will turn a pale yellow.

And here's the finished solution. Here are just done and is still a somewhat cloudy, then clear again.

Put it in a jar and when you need it, Take the amount needed with a syringe. Just remember a few important things:
- the solution is basic and raises the pH of your spignatto, then lactic acid or citric acid test in hand, adjust the pH around 5
- these preservatives operate between pH 4, 5 and 5.5.

I hope you can be useful;)


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