Thursday, December 30, 2010

Can U Drink On Fluconazole?

2010 e. .. Happy 2011! ^ ^

I liked this tag SCTS up and then I thought riproporvelo: our favorite products for certain categories. In my experience cosmetic products this year to elect my favorites are:
  • shampoo: essenlunga lime and wheat germ for delicate hair
  • balm: Lavera mousse mango and my spignattato
  • facial cleanser: essex baby cleansing gel
  • face cream or serum: my face cream bellizzimaaa *- * and the eye that I have yet to review bjobj
  • cleaner body omnia shower gel soothing botanical / organic shop green line
  • body cream: spignatatte my creams, I have tried other
  • intimate wash: omnia botany / essex
  • deodorant: one made by me, yet I have not tried one that I like the market
  • toothpaste: elmex Green essex
  • makeup: a little all the tricks Lavera
And for you, for these categories, what are the favorite products of 2010? We have now, these are the last days of 2010, what will you do for New Years? Take care, wherever you are, have fun and celebrate! I wish you a wonderful year, colorful, sparkling, full of love, surprises (positive!), satisfaction and beauty! ;)
Happy 2011 to you all! Greetings! : D


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