Wednesday, December 29, 2010

To Buy Portable Colour Tv's

But if ...

... but if, for example, in 2011, I wrote my post in English, according to you would be a good idea? or an unnecessary splash?
E 'that when I view the statistics I see that I visited many foreign countries. Captain Maybe many here by accident, but some use the translator to translate my post, so what I write may be of interest beyond the border and I want that everyone could understand.
The language known to be an insurmountable barrier, and even if you understand the theme of my blog from the photos, do not understand a word you do not invite certain to follow:) and the translator on-line many times that means a little wants, is not very reliable XD
Certainly I am not referring to visitors from countries such as Switzerland, Spain or France can clearly see the Italian as we understand better or worse, and English, French or Italians living abroad, but who happen here from Lithuania, or Thailand, or India for example, Italian and understands nothing.
But at this point I should also translate everything I wrote before? XD noooooooooooooo
blog friends what do you think? let me know your opinion! Reservoirs:)


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