Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Pokemon Light Platinum Gameshark

flax flaxseed

This is the famous gel flaxseed, the spignatto a must and a must for your hair! By a decoction of these seeds are a gel that does well in our hair, it's cheap and easy to do. Usually the doses that are used to make the gel are:

water 300 ml
flaxseed 40 g

but I used it quite a bit for various hair spignatti , so I made double, viz

600 ml distilled water
flaxseed 80 g

Make the decoction is simple: measure the water, puts it in a saucepan and bring to ebbollizione. In the meantime, weigh the seeds and put them in a colander and then soaking in the water already boiling, so that the water covers them flush. We do stand to soak for 5 minutes while you mix.

This is below the gel obtained, the consistency that you get depends on how the boil, it can be more liquid or thicker

with the dosage regimen I've got almost 350 ml

And that's all, as you see it's super easy and super fast. I used it as an ingredient for other spignatti but can also be used only as a pre-pack shampoo or hair gel. The preservative important, because for my own experience I know that goes bad very quickly, so if you do not have the preservative freeze it in cubes or keep in the fridge and use it only 2-3 days. Try it!;)


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