Monday, January 31, 2011

Pageant Interview Suits

H & M and Make-up Brushes

I love H & M, not only for clothes but also because so many things I find really cute cheap things like hair clips, accessories, earrings, and also tips and brushes:)
Recently I bought some makeup brushes that I have already started using and I'm in really good: a powder brush, a blush or by land and one for eye shadows. are soft on your face, do not bite, do not lose bristles and cheap. The brush of eye shadow and costs only € 1.95 if ricordomale and the other € 4.95 (but I'm not sure if you need the next time I go check).

I love H & M, not just for the clothes But Also Because I can find there many nice and cheap things, like accessories, earrings, and makeup and brushes too:)
In These last weeks I bought makeup brushes Some That I've alredy started to use and I'm very satisfied of them: a powder brush, a blush or bronzer brushand an eyeshadow brush.  They're soft on face skin, they don't lose bristles and are very cheap. If I remember well the small eyeshadow brush is 1,95 €  and the others are 4,95 € (I'm not sure, but if someone is interested I can look at the price the next time I go there).

I trucchi che ho provato sono un fard rosa, "Sweet rose", e 2 matite occhi, "Taupe" e "White",  la prima luminosa e la seconda con brillantini. Non sono ecobio ma sono molto belli e gli inci non sono troppo orribili (pensavo peggio):

The make up I've tried are one pink blush, "Sweet Rose", and two eyepens, "Taupe" and "White", shiny the first one and shimmery the second one. They're not organic but very beautiful and the INCI are not so orrible (I expected something worse):



Talc , Mica, Magnesium Stearate, Ethylexyl Palmitate, Titanuim Dioxide (CI 77891), Carmine (CI 75470), Iron Oxides (CI 77491, CI 77492, CI 77499), Maltodextrin, Isopropylparaben, Isobutylparaben, Butylparaben


Ethylexylstearate , C12-13 Alkyl Ethylhexanoate, Beeswax (Cera Alba), Hydrogenated Coco-glycerides, Copernica Cerifera (Carnauba) Wax, Mica, Ozokerite, Silica, Lecithin, Tocopherol, Ascorbyl Palmitate, Citric Acid, Aluminium Powder (CI 77000), Titanium Dioxide (CI 77891), Iron Oxides (CI 77491, CI 77492, CI 77499).


C12-13 Alkyl Ethylhexanoate, Mica, Isostearyl Neopentanoate, Ozokerite, Polyethylene Terephtalate, Octyldodecyl Steroyl Stearate, Rhus Succedanea Fruit Wax, Copernica Cerifera (Carnauba) Wax, Talc, Steareth-2, Peg-8 Distearate, Methylparaben , Ethylene / methacrylate Copolymer, Propylparaben, Lecithin, Isopropyl Titanium triisostearate, Tocopherol, Ascorbyl Palmitate, Citric Acid, Titanium Dioxide (CI 77891), Aluminium Powder (CI 77000), Iron oxides (CI 77491, CI 77499).

Those of you who have used these brushes or these tricks and if so, how did you find? What do you think?

Any of you has alredy tried These brushes or make-up, and if you did, are you satisfied? What do you think about Them?

Frigoverre Replacement Caps

Signing for "Save Carditello" the people of the Internet is mobilizing

The online petition has been promoted by the 'non-profit association real sites .
In 58 have already signed, also signed up for you by clicking .

As mentioned site are 5 good reasons to sign the appeal:

1. Carditello. The commitment of the institutions

The series of political commitments made by local and national agencies and institutions (MiBAC / Regione Campania / Provincia di Caserta) must necessarily result in process and administrative procedures which sostanzino choices addressed to "rip" finally with conviction of the real site Carditello state of neglect today;

2. Carditello. Political agenda

currently exist conditions for which it is possible to translate the commitments made in the policy Carditello and launch, in a single, coherent framework, a process of developing a strategy to revitalize the residence Bourbon;

Since the beginning of 2000, in fact, there have been various interventions, announcements, solicitations and deliberations that have produced:

2006 - Resolution No. 26 of 15 May 2006 the Council of the Province of Caserta that provides for the establishment of a board of conciliation between the Province, Campania Region, reclamation of the lower basin of the Volturno and universities to discuss the use of the Real website Carditello respecting its historical and cultural destination;

2007 - Finance Law of 19 January 2007, no 1, Art. 31, paragraph 19 of the Campania Region which provides for the acquisition of the regional heritage of the Royal Site of Bourbon Carditello;

2010 - Campania Region Council Resolution establishing the first operation for the development of Wide Area complained to the Royal Gardens of Mediterranean biodiversity. The measure includes an appropriation of € 4,612,807 for the renovation and use for public purposes of the Royal Web site, which will be implemented within a "Garden of Biodiversity" which aims at the recovery of crop and the traditional bell and Mediterranean cultures . The project was entrusted to the Consortium of Reclamation and the collaboration of the Second University of Naples Federico II University;

2010 - Campania Region Council resolution that provides for the establishment of a Centre in the Royal Site of institutional promotion of the products of buffalo industry. The decision to allocate 12 million euro project, from planning Par Fas Campania 2007-2013. The promotion center, which will have inside facilities for research, teaching and dissemination on exposure history and mode of production of Mozzarella di Bufala Campana DOP, to be implemented in synergy with the Great ERDF Programme of Environmental restoration and enhancement of the Regi Lagni area where the site is located Carditello.

is considered from this point of view that there are all the more political and institutional tools around which you can define goals in the short, medium and long term.

There are two priorities to be pursued for Carditello SAVE:

ensure public ownership of the residence, through the acquisition of the regional heritage site, and to complete the restoration of the estate, already partly made with public funds, define
large projects such as to return the real site to public use in accordance with the natural vocation of the territory, and that, given the complexity of the monument in question, can and should have characters as if public action will engage, motivate and engage ideas, proposals and design projects will come from social and cultural forces of the territory, and the system of science, technology and productive local and international, and will be held in the right account human, financial, instrumental and mainly financial;

3. Carditello. UNESCO World Heritage

The need to rip the deterioration and abandonment of the real site Carditello requires that you pursue all conceivable ways that lead to this result. In this sense, given the extraordinary cultural and historical value of the estate Bourbon, which is closely related the design of new image during the Bourbon period, one can think in an entirely logical and natural that the real site of Carditello you join, along with the Palace and Park of Caserta, the Aqueduct and the San Carolino Leucio , the UNESCO site Caserta already recognized in 1997. It would, thus, an early intervention makes sense seven to nineteenth century made of Terra di Lavoro, similar to a real "Bourbon Landscape" as also identified by the European Landscape Convention, and would lay the foundation for a Overall real action to safeguard, enhancement and development of a large portion of the territory of the Campania region, which is that of the Province of Caserta.

4. Carditello. Experimental laboratory for cultural policies and development

In this sense we can think of, in line with the innovative experiences of the Bourbon period, the site of the Royal Carditello become an experimental laboratory for innovative policies and actions of protection, management and exploitation of Cultural Property in Campania and Italy, as part of an integrated regional offer that opens up new opportunities for cultural tourism in the province of Caserta, including through the adoption of innovative development of cultural heritage and the complexity of territorial governance ;

5. Carditello. The role civil society

The presence of people so-called "third parties", such as associations, which animate and enliven the lives of passion with the territory, encourage community participation and growth of civil society, must be considered as an added value also serves to maintain a high level of attention and labor of all, to be created immediately for opportunities to introduce the magnificent residence of Bourbon, his past and his future destiny

Discover Interchange Rates

Love in the Time of Gomorrah a bomb to get a girl

Antonio Santamaria, considered the area of \u200b\u200bGate capozona Arnone (CE) on behalf of the fugitive Michael Zagaria, just to force a girl to have a relationship with him publicly beat her brother and detonated a bomb near the entrance gate of the farm of his father.

The man, not subject to the claim, made to transfer her daughter in a town in Northern Italy.

And 'the findings of the investigation that police have arrested five Arnone Gate between affiliates and supporters of the Casalesi clan.

the early hours of dawn, in fact, the police investigation of the Nucleus of Caserta, in the course of an investigation coordinated by the DDA in Naples are giving effect to an order for custody in a prison in the case of five people held responsible, for various reasons, extortion, domestic violence, possession of explosive material and abetting, and crimes committed with the purpose of facilitating the Casalesi clan.

The arrests today are the second tranche of an asset that already in December last year had led the execution of detention orders against seven members to the clan in damages for extortion of local businessmen.
Among those arrested are three persons of the same family (mother, son and daughter in law) accused of giving logistical support to the 35 year-old affected Antonio Santamaria, head-gate area of \u200b\u200bArnone (CE) on behalf of the fugitive Michele Zagaria, providing housing for their members and to convene meetings with the victims of extortion.

Source: Republic

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Can I Get Rid Of My Lazy Eye At Age 14

's online the new blog!

E 'online from today's new blog: , add it to your favorites!
The main new feature is the graphics, improved compared to the previous edition.
As always, the news will be reported tammaresi from web source. There will be a greater focus on news Caserta, in particular towns.
It 's always available to chat, in which each can have its say, as well as comments to any post.
also become a fan on Facebook by clicking on "I like it."
For info write to

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Little Freckle On Inside Of Cheek

Eco Index of Topics on SCTS

Hello girls:) I am writing this little post (I'm preparing that many publicherò soon) to report, as I had done here, a very useful section of the forum ; Know What You Smear :
Here you will find many interesting things: lots of substances not present on biodizionario , the complete database of incidents of cosmetic forum, the FAQ and spignattamenti divided into categories.
I love it, in my opinion is to be read from top to bottom and I hope it will be useful to you too;)

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Hi girls! :) I'm writing this short post (I'm Preparing many other new ones that i will publish very soon) to show you, like I've alredy done here , a very useful section of  Sai Cosa Ti Spalmi forum:

There you find many interesting things: many substances that you can't find on the biodizionario , the complete database of cosmetic inci, the f.a.q. and the hand made cosmetic recipes divided in categories.

I adore it and I think it's worth reading. I hope it can be useful to you too ;)

Monday, January 24, 2011

Ungroomed Miniature Schnauzer

Stylish Blogger Award:)

Hello to all! I'm really happy to have received another award, the Stylish Blogger Award from Love makeup thanks thanks thanks! : D
Unfortunately, my computer keeps giving me some problems, I can no longer work, but in any case I have to do because I have to honor the prize:)

The rules provide to thank you and link to the person who has because, to tell seven random things themselves, tag 15 other successful bloggers and let them know.

So, let's see what I can tell you a little about me ...

  1. I love the sea and marine animals, I also like winter, when there is nobody and you only hear the sound of waves, is one of the few things in the world I really relax. All the water looks clean and perfect.
  2. I hate selfish people, arrogant, telling you one thing and then does the opposite, who does not respect its commitments, the speaker behind the evil and ignorance combined with arrogance. But sometimes I get angry too easily for things that could turn a blind eye, and other times I get angry about things more serious ...
  3. Beyond spignatto I have another passion: the decoration. My favorite style is the shabby chic, and lately I've done it the kitchen table. The next PROJECT is a belief (but before I find the belief that I did not XD)
  4. I love to travel and take pictures but it takes many pennies!
  5. are environmentally friendly I was little, I respect nature and animals, I believe in recycling and recycle and try not to pollute because for me the most valuable assets are water and air
  6. Spignatto and I love it, but if I see some cosmetics, makeup or a cream that is, I do not buy it without me and without any third party without the guilt! if I like something I want to try, no matter if I can make me at home, to my mind is still money well spent;)
  7. My favorite color is pink (er, I do not know if it was understand XD)

Well, now that I have revealed to you a little bit, we pass the list of blogs that I want to give this award to my turn (in random order!):

  1. I? I make bio!
  2. Powder moon
  3. Make up your mind girl!
  4. tricks revealed
  5. Powder and things like
  6. Companions of snacks
  7. Reviews cosmetic
  8. Vanity room
  9. Alice in Wonderland to new
  10. Beauty and kabuki
  11. My beauty tools
  12. Makeup delight
  13. Cloe makeup
  14. Shopping and reviews
  15. The tunnel Giovanna
Well, this post cost me a whole day at the pc -__-' but finally I have it done!
I warned almost all of them, missing only Julian Makeup Delight, but I can not leave the comment, then I do not know how: ((If someone can help me go from here and give me a hand thank you very much!)
I hope you will please to receive this award as it did to me ^ _ ^
A kiss!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Can I Drive A Car With A Leg Prosthesis

Sunshine Award 2011!

Hello ; all girls) arrived yesterday I'm trying to write this post but I can not because my computer stops me, it crashes every minute is slow and close the pages of the Internet alone>: (maybe in 2011 or agiustarlo need time to buy a new one ... anyway, that aside, yesterday I had a wonderful surprise, so I have to thank Anna and Hong Kong Garden that I was awarded the 2011 Sunshine Award! E 'and I receive the first prize I was really excited, especially receiving it from two girls: D

The award, which is the "prize" is a public recognition that we can assign to blogs that we follow with more dedication and interest.

Here are the rules:

1. Post thank our honored those who have
2. Write a post for the prize
3. Increased to 12 blogs that we think deserve
4. Enter the link of each of the blogs that we have chosen
5. Telling awarded

I find it very nice this award because, in addition to the satisfaction of receiving it ^ ^, is giving me the opportunity to meet new blog that I like and which I joined.
Blogs that I prize are:

For now I'm just in time to publish the post, to put all the links to the PC under these conditions it took me 2 hours! then notify all ^ ^ and published

Monday, January 17, 2011

Donation Request For An Indivual

^ ^ ♥ ♥ pomegranate hand cream glycerin and gentle cleansing milk

After having studied so much, I did it! and it came out beautiful!
♥ ♥ ♥ I'm talking about my hand cream, perfect for the winter:) I was not sure how to do it, I knew I wanted it perfect for my hands and I wanted to use new ingredients. I compared several recipes and so I came to these conclusions:

- could raise the glycerin, instead of the usual 5% could be up to 15%, I opted for the 10%
- I choose very emollient oils
- beyond just wanted to use emulsifying beeswax and cetilpalmitato
- I wanted an active moisturizing ingredients (allantoin)
- the way I wanted to pomegranate: D So I

eleaborato this recipe:

glycerine hand cream and pomegranate, 100 ml:

Step A:
mineral water 55 ml 10 ml glycerin
rubber 0.5 g xanthan

Step B:
macadamia oil 5 ml
sweet almond oil 5 ml
avocado oil 5 ml
Shea Butter 5.5 oz
metilglucosio sesquistearato 3 g
'wax bleached bees 2 gr 2 gr

Step C:
CO2 pomegranate extract 2 ml 2 ml
provitamin B5
vitamin E 20 drops
allantoin 0.5 g
fragrance freesia qb
preservative solution 2.5 ml
lactic acid pH 5 to 7 drops

I tried it on my hands and I like a lot: it makes the skin soft and silky, not greasy and leaves your hands silky veil that will disappear in a few minutes, leaving the skin hydrated. I made it feel even those who have very dry hands (much more than me) and it worked.
oil pomegranate (CO2 extract) is an active preziso pomegranate, which contains many antioxidants and soothing and calming, making it suitable to your skin and body. I've taken with my last purchase on AZ and could not wait to use it. The only
What is wrong with this cream is the smell, I took too much and do not like. Now it is winter and the formula is fine, I'm curious to see if the summer will have to make some changes. And maybe I'll try to change the doses of emulsifiers and waxes to make it be more dense, to pot because it is a little smoother.
Girls what do you think, do you like? Spignattatrici if you go to try it here and let me know: D

♥ ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥

I've studied it for a long time, and then I made it! And it came out so beautiful! ♥♥♥

I'm talking about my hand cream, very good for the winter :) 

I wasn't sure of how to formulate it, i knew that i wanted it perfect for my hands and that i wanted to use some new ingredients. I compared some recipes and i realized that:

- I could use more glycerine, instead of the usaual 5% I could use till 15%, I decided for 10%

- I had to choose very emollient oils

- besides the normal emulsifier I wanted to use beeswax and cetyl palmitate

- I wanted a moisturizing active

- I absolutely wanted to use pomegranate extract :D

And so I formulated this recipe:

Glycerine and po megranate hand cream, 100 ml 

Phase A:

mineral water 55 ml

glycerine 10 ml

xanthan gum 0,5 gr

Phase B:

macadamia oil 5 ml

sweet almond oil 5 ml

avocado oil 5 ml

shea butter 5,5 gr

methyl glucose sesquistearate 3 gr

white beeswax 2 gr

cetyl palmitate 2 gr

Phase C:

pomegranate CO2 extract 2 ml

panthenol 2 ml

vitamine E 20 drops

allantoin 0,5 gr

fragrance freesia

preservatives 2,5

lactic acid 7 drops for pH 5

I've tried it on my hands and i like it a lot: it makes the skin very soft and silky but not oily and leaves on the hands a silky layer that fades in some minutes, leaving the skin moisturized. I also made it try to who has very dry hands (muche more than me), and it worked well.

The pomegranate oil (CO2 extract) is a precious active that contains many anti-oxidant subsances and has soothing and calming properties, that makes it suitable for face and body skin. I purchased it with my last order on Aroma Zone and i couldn't wait to use it.

The only thing i don't like in this cream it's the fragrance, i've put too much. Now it's winter and the formula it's perfect for this period, but i'm curious to see if i'll have to change it in the summer. Maybe i'll try to change the dose of emulsifier and waxes to make it thicker, now it's fluid.
Girls, what do you think about it? Do you like it? If you make cosmetics try it and let me know;)

Thursday, January 13, 2011

What Can I Write In A Baby Card


remove make-up with cleansing milk is the ritual of the evening for many women, and for me too. So it is good that the product we use is a pleasure to use and the one I use a cleansing milk is not any but it is by me ^ ^ spignattato
The cleanser is a cream base, with a really simple recipe, with only one oil. I created this recipe because supersemplice The only function of the cleanser is to remove the makeup from her face and then can be flushed away or removed with the tonic, so I think it is not worth to develop a sophisticated recipe or use valuable assets. Of course who wants to is free to enrich the formula as it wishes, with more oil, with the assets, etc.. But it is not necessary for the performance of the cosmetic product.
This is perfect for those who want to make his first emulsion with a recipe and easy without the risk of throwing valuable ingredients when the emulsion was bad (but it is always good;>).
Here is the recipe for 100 ml:

gentle cleansing milk, 100 ml:

Phase A: Mineral water
59.5 ml 5 ml glycerin
0.5 g xanthan

Step B:
rice oil 30 ml 5 g

Step C:
lilas blanc fragrance qs preservative
cosgard 20 gtt
lactic acid to pH 5

is a creamy white and very soft but dense, pleasantly scented and leaves the skin soft. The scent given by the fragrance is really nice, light, delicate and feminine.
I hope you like it! :) Here

was still in the beaker (I made 400 grams)
Here It Was still in the beaker (I made 400 grams)

This picture is made with flash, so you can easily see the color
This picture is made with flash, I know it's possible to see the real color

And this is the end result:) And this
the final result:)
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

To remove the make-up with a cleansing milk it's the every-evening routine for many women, and for me too. So it's good to use a comfortable product, and mine it's not a common one: it's made by me ^^

The cleansing milk it's a base cream and has a very simple receipe, with just one oil. I thought about this super simple recipe because the only thing the cleansing milk has to do is to remove the make up from our face and then it can be washed off or removed with a toner lotion, so you don't need to formulate a sophisticated recipe or to use precious actives. Obviously who wants to enrich the formula as he prefer can surely do it, with more than one oil, with actives, etc, but it's not necessary for the performance of the product.

That's the reason why it is perfect for those who want to make his first emulsion with an easy-to -do recipe without the risk of wasting precious ingredients.

Here is the recipe for 100 ml:

Delicate cleansing milk, 100 ml:

Fase A:

mineral water 59,5 ml

glycerine 5 ml

xanthan gum 0,5 gr

Fase B:

rice bran oil 30 ml

emulsifier montanov 5 gr

Step C:
white lily fragrance qs preservative
cosgard 20 gtt
lactic acid for pH 5

The cream is white and very thick sof But, scented and softens the skin. The fragrance is very nice, light and delicate, very feminine. I hope you like it! :)

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Sigma Make Up Coupons

Pack arrived! Favorites

[Inglese version below;)]
Here we are in the new year:) I finally inaugurated it by saying that the Last week the package arrived in AZ so I was waiting, I got this gift for Christmas: D I made the order on December 22 and arrived on the 30th, it took him a while but there was also Christmas in the middle, so it's fine.
the end I ordered almost all the things I put in my wishlist , and some I added:
  • sodium hyaluronate
  • bisabolol
  • coenzyme q10
  • zinc oxide
  • preservative cosgard
  • edelweiss extract
  • fragrance "charlotte aux fraises"
  • fragrance "douceur lactea"
  • fragrance "fleurs de coton"
  • fragrance "lilas blanc
  • fragrance" Moorea "
  • fragrance" tarte au citron meringuée "
  • C02 pomegranate extract bio
  • carnauba wax candelilla
  • mica green ocean
  • micronized mineral oxide green
  • emulsifier gelisucre
  • neutral henna blonde henna
  • hydrolat cyst
  • base Moussant consistance (lauryl glucoside)
  • mousse de sucre (decyl glucoside)
  • mousse de babassu
  • stearic acid
  • melt & pour soap
  • 100 ml beaker
  • silicone molds for soap heart-shaped
  • pencils empty
  • lip stick tubes empty
  • roll on 10 ml bottle
purchases that I'm glad I did, I can not wait to experiment a bit with new ingredients, especially with the gelisucre, and invent new recipes:) What do you think? Pack the little things you my news?:)
Here are pictures: D forgive me if I'm not really beautiful.

PS: This is the first time I translate a post in English, sorry he's not perfect, I will try to improve:>

Here the package just arrived
the box Here When It Arrived

Here the entire contents of the package
Here the whole content of the box

hydrolat The cysts, which I intend to use as a tonic
Cistus HYDROLAR face, That i want to use as facial toners

melt & pour soap base and delicate surface
Melt & pour soap base and mild surfactants

waxes and stearic acid with which I will do my mascara and pencils: D
waxes and stearic acid, I'll try to make mascara and eye liner with Them: D

Cassia (henna neutral) and the 'henna blonde
Cassia and "blonde" henna

Fragrances ... delicious! : D
The fragrances ... very nice! : D

assets, extracts of edelweiss and pomegranate and the preservative
Actives ingredients, edelweiss and pomegranate extracts and the preservative

The emulsifier cold gelisucre
The cold Emulsifier gelisucre

colors I was missing the green
The colors are missed, the green

Empty containers for makeup and the beaker
The empty containers and make up the beaker

forms of silicone heart-shaped soap for
Heart-shaped soap mold silicone

The new catalog they sent me
The new catalog They sent me

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Here we are in the new year. I open it last week telling You That I Finally Received the pack i was waiting for from Aroma Zone, i made this for Christmas present to myself: D I made the order on 22nd december  and it arrived on 30th, it took a bit but there was also Christmas day in the middle, so it's ok.

I bought almost all the things i've put in my wishlist , and i added something:

  • jaluronic acid

  • bisabolol

  • coenzyme q10

  • zinc oxide

  • preservative cosgard

  • edelweiss extract

  • fragrance "charlotte aux fraises"

  • fragrance "douceur lactée"

  • fragrance "fleurs de coton"

  • fragrance "lilas blanc"

  • fragrance "moorea"

  • fragrance "tarte au citron meringuée"

  • pomegranate CO2 extract

  • carnauba wax

  • candelilla wax

  • green mica

  • green mineral oxide

  • gelisucre emulsifier

  • cassia

  • "blonde" henna

  • cistus hydrolate

  • lauryl glucoside

  • decyl glucoside

  • babassu betaine

  • stearic acid

  • melt & pour transparent soap

  • 100 ml beaker

  • heart shaped soap mould

  • empty lip/eye liner

  • empty lipbalm stick

  • empty 10 ml plastic roll-on

I'm glad of what i purchased, i'm looking forward to try the new raw materials, Especially the gelisucre, and to invent new recipes:) What do you think about it? Do you like my new things? :)
Here are the pictures: D sorry if they're not very beautiful.

PS: This is the first time to translate the post in Inglese, I'm sorry if it's not perfect, I'll try to Improve myself:>