Thursday, January 20, 2011

Can I Drive A Car With A Leg Prosthesis

Sunshine Award 2011!

Hello ; all girls) arrived yesterday I'm trying to write this post but I can not because my computer stops me, it crashes every minute is slow and close the pages of the Internet alone>: (maybe in 2011 or agiustarlo need time to buy a new one ... anyway, that aside, yesterday I had a wonderful surprise, so I have to thank Anna and Hong Kong Garden that I was awarded the 2011 Sunshine Award! E 'and I receive the first prize I was really excited, especially receiving it from two girls: D

The award, which is the "prize" is a public recognition that we can assign to blogs that we follow with more dedication and interest.

Here are the rules:

1. Post thank our honored those who have
2. Write a post for the prize
3. Increased to 12 blogs that we think deserve
4. Enter the link of each of the blogs that we have chosen
5. Telling awarded

I find it very nice this award because, in addition to the satisfaction of receiving it ^ ^, is giving me the opportunity to meet new blog that I like and which I joined.
Blogs that I prize are:

For now I'm just in time to publish the post, to put all the links to the PC under these conditions it took me 2 hours! then notify all ^ ^ and published


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