Monday, January 17, 2011

Donation Request For An Indivual

^ ^ ♥ ♥ pomegranate hand cream glycerin and gentle cleansing milk

After having studied so much, I did it! and it came out beautiful!
♥ ♥ ♥ I'm talking about my hand cream, perfect for the winter:) I was not sure how to do it, I knew I wanted it perfect for my hands and I wanted to use new ingredients. I compared several recipes and so I came to these conclusions:

- could raise the glycerin, instead of the usual 5% could be up to 15%, I opted for the 10%
- I choose very emollient oils
- beyond just wanted to use emulsifying beeswax and cetilpalmitato
- I wanted an active moisturizing ingredients (allantoin)
- the way I wanted to pomegranate: D So I

eleaborato this recipe:

glycerine hand cream and pomegranate, 100 ml:

Step A:
mineral water 55 ml 10 ml glycerin
rubber 0.5 g xanthan

Step B:
macadamia oil 5 ml
sweet almond oil 5 ml
avocado oil 5 ml
Shea Butter 5.5 oz
metilglucosio sesquistearato 3 g
'wax bleached bees 2 gr 2 gr

Step C:
CO2 pomegranate extract 2 ml 2 ml
provitamin B5
vitamin E 20 drops
allantoin 0.5 g
fragrance freesia qb
preservative solution 2.5 ml
lactic acid pH 5 to 7 drops

I tried it on my hands and I like a lot: it makes the skin soft and silky, not greasy and leaves your hands silky veil that will disappear in a few minutes, leaving the skin hydrated. I made it feel even those who have very dry hands (much more than me) and it worked.
oil pomegranate (CO2 extract) is an active preziso pomegranate, which contains many antioxidants and soothing and calming, making it suitable to your skin and body. I've taken with my last purchase on AZ and could not wait to use it. The only
What is wrong with this cream is the smell, I took too much and do not like. Now it is winter and the formula is fine, I'm curious to see if the summer will have to make some changes. And maybe I'll try to change the doses of emulsifiers and waxes to make it be more dense, to pot because it is a little smoother.
Girls what do you think, do you like? Spignattatrici if you go to try it here and let me know: D

♥ ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥

I've studied it for a long time, and then I made it! And it came out so beautiful! ♥♥♥

I'm talking about my hand cream, very good for the winter :) 

I wasn't sure of how to formulate it, i knew that i wanted it perfect for my hands and that i wanted to use some new ingredients. I compared some recipes and i realized that:

- I could use more glycerine, instead of the usaual 5% I could use till 15%, I decided for 10%

- I had to choose very emollient oils

- besides the normal emulsifier I wanted to use beeswax and cetyl palmitate

- I wanted a moisturizing active

- I absolutely wanted to use pomegranate extract :D

And so I formulated this recipe:

Glycerine and po megranate hand cream, 100 ml 

Phase A:

mineral water 55 ml

glycerine 10 ml

xanthan gum 0,5 gr

Phase B:

macadamia oil 5 ml

sweet almond oil 5 ml

avocado oil 5 ml

shea butter 5,5 gr

methyl glucose sesquistearate 3 gr

white beeswax 2 gr

cetyl palmitate 2 gr

Phase C:

pomegranate CO2 extract 2 ml

panthenol 2 ml

vitamine E 20 drops

allantoin 0,5 gr

fragrance freesia

preservatives 2,5

lactic acid 7 drops for pH 5

I've tried it on my hands and i like it a lot: it makes the skin very soft and silky but not oily and leaves on the hands a silky layer that fades in some minutes, leaving the skin moisturized. I also made it try to who has very dry hands (muche more than me), and it worked well.

The pomegranate oil (CO2 extract) is a precious active that contains many anti-oxidant subsances and has soothing and calming properties, that makes it suitable for face and body skin. I purchased it with my last order on Aroma Zone and i couldn't wait to use it.

The only thing i don't like in this cream it's the fragrance, i've put too much. Now it's winter and the formula it's perfect for this period, but i'm curious to see if i'll have to change it in the summer. Maybe i'll try to change the dose of emulsifier and waxes to make it thicker, now it's fluid.
Girls, what do you think about it? Do you like it? If you make cosmetics try it and let me know;)


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