Monday, January 31, 2011

Frigoverre Replacement Caps

Signing for "Save Carditello" the people of the Internet is mobilizing

The online petition has been promoted by the 'non-profit association real sites .
In 58 have already signed, also signed up for you by clicking .

As mentioned site are 5 good reasons to sign the appeal:

1. Carditello. The commitment of the institutions

The series of political commitments made by local and national agencies and institutions (MiBAC / Regione Campania / Provincia di Caserta) must necessarily result in process and administrative procedures which sostanzino choices addressed to "rip" finally with conviction of the real site Carditello state of neglect today;

2. Carditello. Political agenda

currently exist conditions for which it is possible to translate the commitments made in the policy Carditello and launch, in a single, coherent framework, a process of developing a strategy to revitalize the residence Bourbon;

Since the beginning of 2000, in fact, there have been various interventions, announcements, solicitations and deliberations that have produced:

2006 - Resolution No. 26 of 15 May 2006 the Council of the Province of Caserta that provides for the establishment of a board of conciliation between the Province, Campania Region, reclamation of the lower basin of the Volturno and universities to discuss the use of the Real website Carditello respecting its historical and cultural destination;

2007 - Finance Law of 19 January 2007, no 1, Art. 31, paragraph 19 of the Campania Region which provides for the acquisition of the regional heritage of the Royal Site of Bourbon Carditello;

2010 - Campania Region Council Resolution establishing the first operation for the development of Wide Area complained to the Royal Gardens of Mediterranean biodiversity. The measure includes an appropriation of € 4,612,807 for the renovation and use for public purposes of the Royal Web site, which will be implemented within a "Garden of Biodiversity" which aims at the recovery of crop and the traditional bell and Mediterranean cultures . The project was entrusted to the Consortium of Reclamation and the collaboration of the Second University of Naples Federico II University;

2010 - Campania Region Council resolution that provides for the establishment of a Centre in the Royal Site of institutional promotion of the products of buffalo industry. The decision to allocate 12 million euro project, from planning Par Fas Campania 2007-2013. The promotion center, which will have inside facilities for research, teaching and dissemination on exposure history and mode of production of Mozzarella di Bufala Campana DOP, to be implemented in synergy with the Great ERDF Programme of Environmental restoration and enhancement of the Regi Lagni area where the site is located Carditello.

is considered from this point of view that there are all the more political and institutional tools around which you can define goals in the short, medium and long term.

There are two priorities to be pursued for Carditello SAVE:

ensure public ownership of the residence, through the acquisition of the regional heritage site, and to complete the restoration of the estate, already partly made with public funds, define
large projects such as to return the real site to public use in accordance with the natural vocation of the territory, and that, given the complexity of the monument in question, can and should have characters as if public action will engage, motivate and engage ideas, proposals and design projects will come from social and cultural forces of the territory, and the system of science, technology and productive local and international, and will be held in the right account human, financial, instrumental and mainly financial;

3. Carditello. UNESCO World Heritage

The need to rip the deterioration and abandonment of the real site Carditello requires that you pursue all conceivable ways that lead to this result. In this sense, given the extraordinary cultural and historical value of the estate Bourbon, which is closely related the design of new image during the Bourbon period, one can think in an entirely logical and natural that the real site of Carditello you join, along with the Palace and Park of Caserta, the Aqueduct and the San Carolino Leucio , the UNESCO site Caserta already recognized in 1997. It would, thus, an early intervention makes sense seven to nineteenth century made of Terra di Lavoro, similar to a real "Bourbon Landscape" as also identified by the European Landscape Convention, and would lay the foundation for a Overall real action to safeguard, enhancement and development of a large portion of the territory of the Campania region, which is that of the Province of Caserta.

4. Carditello. Experimental laboratory for cultural policies and development

In this sense we can think of, in line with the innovative experiences of the Bourbon period, the site of the Royal Carditello become an experimental laboratory for innovative policies and actions of protection, management and exploitation of Cultural Property in Campania and Italy, as part of an integrated regional offer that opens up new opportunities for cultural tourism in the province of Caserta, including through the adoption of innovative development of cultural heritage and the complexity of territorial governance ;

5. Carditello. The role civil society

The presence of people so-called "third parties", such as associations, which animate and enliven the lives of passion with the territory, encourage community participation and growth of civil society, must be considered as an added value also serves to maintain a high level of attention and labor of all, to be created immediately for opportunities to introduce the magnificent residence of Bourbon, his past and his future destiny


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