Monday, January 24, 2011

Ungroomed Miniature Schnauzer

Stylish Blogger Award:)

Hello to all! I'm really happy to have received another award, the Stylish Blogger Award from Love makeup thanks thanks thanks! : D
Unfortunately, my computer keeps giving me some problems, I can no longer work, but in any case I have to do because I have to honor the prize:)

The rules provide to thank you and link to the person who has because, to tell seven random things themselves, tag 15 other successful bloggers and let them know.

So, let's see what I can tell you a little about me ...

  1. I love the sea and marine animals, I also like winter, when there is nobody and you only hear the sound of waves, is one of the few things in the world I really relax. All the water looks clean and perfect.
  2. I hate selfish people, arrogant, telling you one thing and then does the opposite, who does not respect its commitments, the speaker behind the evil and ignorance combined with arrogance. But sometimes I get angry too easily for things that could turn a blind eye, and other times I get angry about things more serious ...
  3. Beyond spignatto I have another passion: the decoration. My favorite style is the shabby chic, and lately I've done it the kitchen table. The next PROJECT is a belief (but before I find the belief that I did not XD)
  4. I love to travel and take pictures but it takes many pennies!
  5. are environmentally friendly I was little, I respect nature and animals, I believe in recycling and recycle and try not to pollute because for me the most valuable assets are water and air
  6. Spignatto and I love it, but if I see some cosmetics, makeup or a cream that is, I do not buy it without me and without any third party without the guilt! if I like something I want to try, no matter if I can make me at home, to my mind is still money well spent;)
  7. My favorite color is pink (er, I do not know if it was understand XD)

Well, now that I have revealed to you a little bit, we pass the list of blogs that I want to give this award to my turn (in random order!):

  1. I? I make bio!
  2. Powder moon
  3. Make up your mind girl!
  4. tricks revealed
  5. Powder and things like
  6. Companions of snacks
  7. Reviews cosmetic
  8. Vanity room
  9. Alice in Wonderland to new
  10. Beauty and kabuki
  11. My beauty tools
  12. Makeup delight
  13. Cloe makeup
  14. Shopping and reviews
  15. The tunnel Giovanna
Well, this post cost me a whole day at the pc -__-' but finally I have it done!
I warned almost all of them, missing only Julian Makeup Delight, but I can not leave the comment, then I do not know how: ((If someone can help me go from here and give me a hand thank you very much!)
I hope you will please to receive this award as it did to me ^ _ ^
A kiss!


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