Friday, February 11, 2011

Effects Of Benzocaine And Cocaine

'No sale of the Real Site Carditello ', tomorrow the sit-in protest

After the many initiatives in recent years to prevent the fall in private hands of the Palace of Carditello, the judge of the court of executions Estate Santa Maria Capua Vetere established on 27 January, the two hearings on the auction site Bourbon October 20 and November 10. In this connection, the Association Onlus Royal Sites organized a sit-in Protest tomorrow afternoon from 15 to 19.30 at the main entrance of the Palace. Citizenship and provincial politicians and regional and national one, are invited to participate in order to express all the anger about this shameful decision. The president of the Royal Sites Onlus Alessandro Manna is there and makes a fresh appeal to all who actually care about the future of the Palace. The way to practice at this time would be a negotiating table with the Ministry for Cultural Heritage, the Province of Caserta, the municipalities, the Chamber of Commerce of Caserta, and why not, the two Universities of Naples and Caserta, that is able to find a solution heroic. For now this remains a dream, but in the meantime the dates of this cultural drama and art are approaching inexorably. The hearings were set in late 2011, but it could also happen that you do not present any buyer, so as to lower the price even more. At this moment the starting price to start is scheduled for 25 million euro. The history of the site was built by King Charles of Bourbon and produced by Francis Collecini in the second half of the 700 could see the results of privatization. The reason for this is due to the debt situation of Reclamation Consortium of the Volturno, the current owner, who decided to auction to relieve of a burden. Yet the Palace of Carditello should have been one of the key points of the draft environmental remediation of the vast area of \u200b\u200bthe Royal Lagni assumed by the Campania region, but for now we have moved from words to deeds and for this project was not spent even one euro. The collection of signatures to save the site continues on the internet website / save-carditello . Achieved a large share of participants, the 'Association will address an appeal to President Giorgio Napolitano for it to be the guardian of this good art, too often forgotten by the various political realities.

Source: Interno18


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