Tuesday, February 22, 2011

No De Série Tv Center Pro 494

Highway Code, task force brigade: 60 points curtailed to tammaresi

Yesterday morning, agents of the police headquarters of the City of San Tammaro have carried out an audit on compliance with the citizens motorized have on the rules of the road. The commander has ordered that Joseph devastating specific controls throughout the municipal area to stabilize the situation not to rule. Throughout the morning agents Frank Piccirillo and Antonietta Di Donato have controlled the streets. Several crimes have been detected. The first fines were made for cars parked in no parking or sidewalks. Many people, heedless of the parking ban, left their car in a restricted area. To this are added all the clever people who, unable to stop for lack of space, put the car on the sidewalk. Controls were held in various city streets, especially along the highway 7a (ex Via Nazionale Appia), Via Domenico Capitelli, via Circumavallazione and also in the vegetable market. After verifying the actual enforcement of no parking, the agents stopped tammaresi some crossroads and made checks on passing cars. There were serious measures for those who have broken the law. A total of 9 were very high fines, for a total deduction of 60 points on the licenses of drivers not up to standard. The largest number of fines has come for the cars that have made the pass on a road section which does not allow it because it is conscious of the continuous line. In addition several people have been detained because they were driving their own car while chatting the phone or because they were without life jackets. These are all attitudes that the regulation prohibits road, but not all are intended to respect. The agents have used this line of action to prevent certain attitudes continue to be required to 'interior of the territory.
Source: Interno18


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