Saturday, February 5, 2011

Enable Internet On Sidekick Lx On At&t


Hello girls! :) This year are coming to me so many (most welcome) surprises. After the Sunshine Award and the Stylish Blogger Award, Valeria, Elisa and Cristina, girls Fashion's night fever, I was given this nice virtual gift, that is a nice gift to pass on to friends blogger:)

Hi girls! :) This year I'm receiving many (and welcome) surprises. After the Sunshine and the Stylish Blogger Award, the girls of the blog Fashion's night fever Valeria, Elisa and Cristina, Gave me this nice virtual gift, That is something cute to give to other bloggers:)

The rules are these:

1. Thank our post who sent us the gift

2. Write a post for gift

3. Spending a gift of your choice to 5 bloggers who feel deserving

4. Enter the link of each of the blogs that we have chosen

5. Say it with blogger

These are the rules:

1. To thank the gift Who Set You In Our post

2. To write a post for the gift

3. To give a gift you choose to think you deserve it 5 bolggers

4. To put the link of the blog Every You Have Chosen

5. To say it to the bloggers

And this is my gift to you:

And this is my gift for you:

palette of Distinguished Rainbows Snow Make Up , 10 eye shadow colors and beautiful dall'inci better, I'd like to have taaanto and that if I will buy, but meanwhile the "gift" to you virtually: D

The Palette of Distinguished "Rainbow" (Rainbows) of Snow Make Up , 10 eyeshadows with verybeautiful colors and White in good incidence tha I would like to haves and maybe I will buy, But for the moment I give as a present to you: D

Here are a blogger whom I present:

And These Chosen by me are the bloggers:

Fashion's night fever thank him and spare ^ ^

Cosmetic Misadventures


Vanilla bourbon

Fashioned in Finland

I hope you like my gift, even if virtual ^ ^ Kisses!

I hope you like my gift, even if it's just virtual Kisses ^ ^!


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