Friday, February 4, 2011

Temperature Sensor Body

Incredible! Truck loads of waste-venom led by kids, like Gomorrah

The only difference is in order, so to speak, aesthetic: the driver of the truck has no need of pillows to achieve the height of the steering wheel. For the rest of the scene is the same as that seen in the film Gomorrah, with the children recruited by traffickers to transport waste in landfills that nobody wanted to carry. That is, tons and tons of poison.

Matteo Garrone's work, which is also inspired by reality, did Marcianise the lead in an unscrupulous businessman and became the plot of a judicial inquiry, yet another, waste management and procurement system.

in the shoes are covered with Toni Servillo Angelo Grillo, chatted squire in the cleaning sector, owner of the giant Cesap Ecosystem and 2000, the company succeeded to Saba - suspended by virtue of the certificate stained mafia - in the municipal waste collection. No formal transfer of the site, estimates of blends of organic and salaries, the inevitable protest seventy employees. But then the unthinkable happens January 26. When the garbage collectors come to take service in the lay-by vehicles are not compactors.

are around the city, driving the kids there are - a fortnight - some of them minors, all without a license, certification, insurance, contract of employment. But not enough. To the grievances of employees arising from office, here is the response of Cricket: "Get the body armor because I'll shoot. I have the cover of the Camorra, and not even pay salaries. " Exaggeration? The middle act of a very tense labor dispute? Not at all: the story is told in a complaint, signed by nine employees, submitted to the Commissioner of Police Marcianise. And

the reporting of abuse is a master. In the minutes, in fact, it says also that the workers are scared, who warned the 113, the police, Finance. And they fear reprisals, "the company has to pay its Ecosystem disqualification procedure for the infiltration of the Camorra, and for all these reasons, we are worried for our safety and security, calling for protection in the workplace."

In the days after the atmosphere has apparently calmed. It seems that the agreement between workers and the company has been reached on the assumption that Angelo Grillo, who is not the formal owner of the company (he is the son) has no more relations with employees. The price charged is the withdrawal of the complaint, which in reality has not yet occurred or appears feasible that can happen any time soon.

And, this, a condition that would not a little alarming Grillo. The procedure for the disqualification mafia Ecosystem, in fact, is still in the interim, having obtained the permit by virtue of a decision of the inspection team that the Tar mafia Prefecture of Caserta is not willing to be considered final. But the obstacle is another.

Intimidation employees would upset the third diner, that is that clan Belforte brought up by the same Grillo to endorse the threat and what would turn a couple of workers who have applied for protection rather than the State but capozona.

And these days, fresh seizures and convictions, with the boss's wife just returned to freedom after a long period of detention to 41 bis, really want to be overwhelmed by a new investigation, "Mazzacane" would not want too much. Background (unprovable) to hand the investigation is going forward. Ready for the first information to be sent to DDA in Naples, pending formal acts also in the offices of the prefecture.

Attached are the reconstruction of the labor dispute with an adjacent representation of the figure of Angelo Grillo, one of the protagonists of the information that led to the dissolution of the City of Marcianise for Camorra infiltration. Born as a small entrepreneur in the services sector, at the end of the 80 owner of the company Splash, with the time Angelo Grillo has expanded to create Cesap the consortium, which won very big contracts for the cleaning of institutions, factories, ministries. Marcianise President of Football, he entered politics in 2006, moving from Margaret in an independent group promoting inter alia the fall of the second joint fruitful.

place in the municipal council of the Marcianise left to his son Roberto, who was elected the Popular Liberal and then passed into the PDL. He had never managed to enter, however, in the collection of municipal waste in Marcianise, assets managed by Saba Jacta and then by Ecology, the company pushed away from the public markets after all'ointerdittiva mafia.

After the termination of the contract with Saba Ecology, the City of Marcianise in 2010 has carried through the station in the province only contracting, the negotiated procedure when awarding a service contract for five months (from August 1 to December 31) with a starting price of three and a half million euro. Two of the three participating firms have been excluded.

The contract, with a fall of ten per cent, has been awarded to a consortium temporary joint venture formed by Jacta Ecosystem and 2000, but ousted for lack of medical mafia. In its place came a stranger in Rti company Caserta, the Impresud, who returned to the place where the latter Ecosystem company won last November, the appeal to the TAR and has regained the cleared mafia.

During the same period has increased its shareholding in the RTI, bringing the shares to 95 percent. On December 15, took over the management of the service, extended until March 31, 2011, without passing the protest site and causing employees. Sulel corporate transformations and the true identity of Impresud is investigating the police has already identified young drivers abusive compactors.

Source: The Morning


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