Tuesday, February 1, 2011

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Carditello 15 million, the auction in October and November 'may go empty for filing the price'

Carditello The real site and its auction continues to be the center of cultural and political debates. On 27 January, after which in December was appointed as the legal guardian, the court enforcement of the property court in Santa Maria Capua Vetere has set hearings for the two the auction of the "South Venaria" belonged to the Bourbon on October 20 and November 10.
The starting price of departure is scheduled for of € 25 million. But, complains the association royal residences, but it is possible that the two hearings may go empty to ensure that we can further lower the price. The actual risk, the association warns, "is what Carditello could end up in private hands and thus be denied to public use and the revitalization of the province of Caserta.
Royal Sites Onlus, long been engaged in awareness campaign "Save Carditello," is launching a new appeal that you definitely spells the loss of one of the jewels of neoclassical architecture, a symbol of European enlightenment. If so, among other things happen during the celebrations of the unification of Italy, would be even more serious because it shows that in fact there are two Italys, one that retrieves the Venaria the north and one that leaves a tragic Carditello fate of the palace to the south. "The story of Carditello - Manna says Alexander, president of the association - is very political issue and concerns in particular the new Caldoro junta that took office in March 2010 at the Palace Saint Lucia. The President of the Region should request the postponement of the date of auction and at the same time convene a board to address both the issue of debt Reclamation Consortium of the Volturno, the current owner of the site, in addition to debts with the company Sga Banco di Napoli, has credits with the Campania Region and other municipalities, and the question of ownership of Carditello, whereas in 2007 the institution of Saint Lucia has passed a law that establishes the acquisition of the palace of the regional heritage Carditello be paid in three annuities, although in these four years the standard has been completely rejected and never was paid a €. La Regione Campania - Manna continues - has already identified some features cultural tourism, scientific and production to be set up to Carditello, under Real Site as one of the great centers of development of the extensive environmental remediation project of the Royal Lagni, which started some years and which he expects to know which route will follow the new junta Caldoro. It 'clear - Manna claims - that a board resolution and recovery of the Site may not Carditello Royal regardless of the presence of other local institutions such as the Ministry for Cultural Heritage, the Province of Caserta, the Chamber of Commerce of Caserta and common of Aversa, Capua and Caserta, the first of the City of San Tammaro. As would be entirely appropriate to involve the two universities of Naples and Caserta, who have in their drawers studies and projects to upgrade the site Bourbon, and of course the business - think of the Consortium of mozzarella bell - along the lines of what is happening in this time for the Colosseum and the ruins of Pompeii. Among other things, the non-profit association royal residences for years Carditello proposes to integrate into a larger project to create a cultural district of royal bells in a perspective of cultural development, tourism and land. "
Meanwhile continue collecting signatures among the citizen ini also on the website www.firmiamo.it / save-carditello and within the Association will pay a heartfelt appeal to the President of the Republic, Giorgio Napolitano, to the delicate question of Carditello for ensuring compliance by public institutions, Article 9 of the Constitution to protect the precious commodity Italian culture.
Source: Corriere midday


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