Thursday, December 30, 2010

Can U Drink On Fluconazole?

2010 e. .. Happy 2011! ^ ^

I liked this tag SCTS up and then I thought riproporvelo: our favorite products for certain categories. In my experience cosmetic products this year to elect my favorites are:
  • shampoo: essenlunga lime and wheat germ for delicate hair
  • balm: Lavera mousse mango and my spignattato
  • facial cleanser: essex baby cleansing gel
  • face cream or serum: my face cream bellizzimaaa *- * and the eye that I have yet to review bjobj
  • cleaner body omnia shower gel soothing botanical / organic shop green line
  • body cream: spignatatte my creams, I have tried other
  • intimate wash: omnia botany / essex
  • deodorant: one made by me, yet I have not tried one that I like the market
  • toothpaste: elmex Green essex
  • makeup: a little all the tricks Lavera
And for you, for these categories, what are the favorite products of 2010? We have now, these are the last days of 2010, what will you do for New Years? Take care, wherever you are, have fun and celebrate! I wish you a wonderful year, colorful, sparkling, full of love, surprises (positive!), satisfaction and beauty! ;)
Happy 2011 to you all! Greetings! : D

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

To Buy Portable Colour Tv's

But if ...

... but if, for example, in 2011, I wrote my post in English, according to you would be a good idea? or an unnecessary splash?
E 'that when I view the statistics I see that I visited many foreign countries. Captain Maybe many here by accident, but some use the translator to translate my post, so what I write may be of interest beyond the border and I want that everyone could understand.
The language known to be an insurmountable barrier, and even if you understand the theme of my blog from the photos, do not understand a word you do not invite certain to follow:) and the translator on-line many times that means a little wants, is not very reliable XD
Certainly I am not referring to visitors from countries such as Switzerland, Spain or France can clearly see the Italian as we understand better or worse, and English, French or Italians living abroad, but who happen here from Lithuania, or Thailand, or India for example, Italian and understands nothing.
But at this point I should also translate everything I wrote before? XD noooooooooooooo
blog friends what do you think? let me know your opinion! Reservoirs:)

Friday, December 24, 2010

Shaving Pubic Area Swim Team

Merry Christmas! SOS Hair Cream

Merry Christmas to all my readers / players, all my "friends blog ") to those who help me make this blog more interesting, to my followers ... well wishes to all! Merry Christmas to you all: D

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Island Def Jam Internship

flax, chamomile, mallow and oats

I spignatatto this cream for hair be used as SOS in case of acute seccezza. It 'came with a dense texture type mask (if the tips remains stationary) due to the emulsifier and montanov esterquats, the conditioning EcoBio which also has emulsifying properties. Here the Recipe for 100 ml:

hair cream recipe SOS flax, chamomile, mallow and oats 100 ml

Step A:
gel 35 ml linseed
hydrolat chamomile (cold) 30 ml Glycerol 2.5 ml

Step B:
grapeseed oil 5
ml wheat germ oil 5 ml
castor oil 5 ml
shea butter
montanov 2 g 5 g 2 g

Step C:
extract 2.5 ml mauve
avenolat 2 ml
silk proteins 35 gtt
ceramides 1 ml 1 ml
perfume lily of the valley 2 drops
preservative solution Na + K
2.5 ml lactic acid pH 5.5 to 5 drops

I proceeded normally but with a lower share of the aqueous phase, emulsifying hot because I had to add the hydrolat the end, cold, first of assets. So I proceeded with the emulsion gel with only the flaxseed, I emulsified whipping and then I added little by little the hydrolat always blending, so that mixes well with the rest of the cream. This step is a bit sensitive because the cream may react in unexpected ways,: D but it was fine. I accidentally put the oil of wheat germ hot, but never mind, next time be more careful.
When the cream was the coldest I've added all the assets, then the preservative and then the lactic acid to adjust pH and mixed all fine with me frullatina final. I am wonderfully well with the lactic acid because, unlike that of citric acid in grains, a liquid and this makes it much easier things. I've had poured some into a small 10 ml bottle with dropper and is very comfortable. And here it is:

In fact, it came a little too thick, so I think that I will use only the tips to enhance or mask some pre-shampoo "base", because as you see between being active and B is a real bomb: D
E 'come naturally scented by dell'idrolato chamomile which is very fragrant, I added 2 drops of fragrance but do not feel right. The finish is a little strange smell, like yeast, however, is not too bad XD oo. What do you think?

Does Pregnancy Discharge Look Like Ovulation I

preservative solution

Yes I know, is not the most fascinating post I will publish, but I was over the preservative solution and, as I was in the mood to take photos ^ ^ I've also taken some of the proceedings to make my solution as a preservative, so if anyone thinks it is difficult to realize that this too is nonsense and will be encouraged to do so ;: D To make it you need:

- distilled water 80 g
- potassium sorbate
10 grams - 10 grams sodium benzoate

Here is the photographic process: Here the weight of water (but you can also measure it in a beaker if you graduated is better, the 80 grams of water corresponding to 80 ml)

Here the 10 weight grams of sodium benzoate, which is small white specks. Pour in water and stir until it melts everything. When everything is melted water will return to transparent.

And here the weight of 10 grams of potassium sorbate grains, a little larger than a white rose. Again, mix until everything is completely melted. The water will turn a pale yellow.

And here's the finished solution. Here are just done and is still a somewhat cloudy, then clear again.

Put it in a jar and when you need it, Take the amount needed with a syringe. Just remember a few important things:
- the solution is basic and raises the pH of your spignatto, then lactic acid or citric acid test in hand, adjust the pH around 5
- these preservatives operate between pH 4, 5 and 5.5.

I hope you can be useful;)

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Scholarships To Study Medicine

Balm Gel

I made a new conditioner, and since it is a spignatti the less I like to do, I decided to make 500 ml at once: D I used the gel flaxseed did earlier (a little diluted with water to bring the phase A and 400-ml I needed) and I also used linseed oil, used cold. Here is the recipe for 500 ml of product, next to the% of ingredients:

recipe for balm to flax:

Step A:
gel flaxseed about 300 ml (gel + 80% water) water 50 ml

glycerine 25 ml (5%)

Step B:
esterquats 40 g (8%)
cetyl 7.5 (1.5%)
linseed oil 20 ml (4% cold)

Step C:
12.5 ml preservative (2.5% )
lactic acid pH 5.5 for 16 drops 20 drops

caramel aroma vanilla flavoring 20 drops 20 drops coconut fragrance

This is the gel that I thinned with a little water because I needed to phase 400 ml aqueous and the gel was a little less, I mixed and then I added the glycerin, and I mixed it again. If you were to repeat the same procedure and Ilmio there should appear to be glycerin or acquanon nothing they can blend well to gel fear the heat and keep stirring everything will be smooth and blends perfectly.

The two stages of heating in a water bath, left the A, B right in that I only put esterquats and cetyl, because the linseed oil I added the cold already made emulsion

And here is the balm. I put the B in phase A (remember, when you never do the balm on the contrary, always the aqueous phase in the oily!) And I immediately whipped with the blender, and I got the emulsion:)

A closeup of my spignattino without flash ...

... and the flash ...

... and here in jars, 2, 250 ml:) unfortunately my photos are all pink: but I assure you that the result is a beautiful white, ivory slightly by dela perfume:)

I did not put silk proteins because I just finished but there should be. In any case I really needed balm and I did not want to wait to buy to buy the balm nor spignattarlo already done, so this time I did not. If it is not good I tell you, so you do not do well without protein: D Maybe the scent is a little fort, I had better put 15 drops each aromatic extract instead of 20 but a matter of taste. You like it?? : D

Pokemon Light Platinum Gameshark

flax flaxseed

This is the famous gel flaxseed, the spignatto a must and a must for your hair! By a decoction of these seeds are a gel that does well in our hair, it's cheap and easy to do. Usually the doses that are used to make the gel are:

water 300 ml
flaxseed 40 g

but I used it quite a bit for various hair spignatti , so I made double, viz

600 ml distilled water
flaxseed 80 g

Make the decoction is simple: measure the water, puts it in a saucepan and bring to ebbollizione. In the meantime, weigh the seeds and put them in a colander and then soaking in the water already boiling, so that the water covers them flush. We do stand to soak for 5 minutes while you mix.

This is below the gel obtained, the consistency that you get depends on how the boil, it can be more liquid or thicker

with the dosage regimen I've got almost 350 ml

And that's all, as you see it's super easy and super fast. I used it as an ingredient for other spignatti but can also be used only as a pre-pack shampoo or hair gel. The preservative important, because for my own experience I know that goes bad very quickly, so if you do not have the preservative freeze it in cubes or keep in the fridge and use it only 2-3 days. Try it!;)

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Mainstream Female Domination


Preservatives are an essential ingredient for cosmetic products that contain water. They are intended to ensure that we develop in a cosmetic bacteria, mold, yeast and other unwanted guests.
For the function, to make the environment inhospitable to these microorganisms, preservatives are not substances "harmless" but they are all more or less potentially irritating, so it is important to choose the most suitable preservative us always respects its percentage of use.

The preservative we can keep our product safely at room temperature for a certain number of months (which varies depending on the type of preservative) without preoccupation that goes bad. Without a cosmetic preservative rather short-lived, must be stored in the refrigerator and consumed within a few days then we have to do it again: uncomfortable! So preservatives alive:)

The preservatives may be soluble or fat soluble. As I alluded to above, only the cosmetics that contain water in need of a preservative, and are emulsions (ie cream), aqueous lotions, detergents with surfactants.
water soluble preservative is fine for these preparazoini because it binds to water and safely run. A fat-soluble preservative instead needs to bind to a share of fat to function, then in a cream will do just fine because the cream contains some fat, but not watery in a tonic, But you can use it disperses in the water solubilizing.
cosmetics that do not have the aqueous phase, such as butters, oils, mineral makeup, the lip stick, etc.. do not need a preservative itself. The most that can use an antioxidant that prevents oxidation and thus rancidity, fats, such as vitamin E (tocopherol).

Some preservatives need to work a certain pH, then every time you spignatta something you have to be always careful to measure the pH and adjust it, respecting the range, if we may so call it, our preservative.

The preservatives that I use for now are sodium benzoate and potassium sorbate, are powders and granules, both water-soluble. It's very convenient to prepare a solution made with distilled water as follows:
  • H2O 80 g
  • 10 grams sodium benzoate, potassium sorbate
10 grams per 100 grams of product need to be kept 2.5 ml of this solution.

time ago I made a list of preservatives EcoBio interesting with its suppliers, which I reproduce here:

INCI name: silver citrate + citric acid
Who has it: Pharmacy Vernon
Hydro / Lipo: Water-soluble
Notes: afraid of the light! cosmetics preserved with him should be kept in dark bottles in the dark

INCI name: Benzyl alcohol, Dehydroacetic acid, aqua (Water). Who's got
: Aroma Zone
Hydro / Lipo: Water-soluble up to 1%. Soluble in alcohol.
Dosage: 0.2 to 1%. 0.6% Suggested

Naticide / Q Plantaserve
INCI name: fragrance
About have it: Aroma Zone, New Directions
Hydro / Lipo: fat-soluble, soluble in alcohol. Dispersible in water with 0.6%
Dosage: 0.3 to 1%. 0.6% Suggested

Preservative 12
INCI name: Phenoxyethanol (and) Ethylexylglycerine
Who has it: Aromantic
Hydro / Lipo:?
Dosage: 0.8 to 1%
Restrictions pH: pH is not particularly sensitive, you can use up to pH 12
Note: you can not use products that contain detergents.

Preservative K
INCI name: Benzyl Alcohol, Phenoxyethanol, and Potassium Sorbate
Who has it: Aromantic
Hydro / Lipo:?
Dosage: 0.5-0.6%
Restrictions pH below 5.5
conserved quantity: 1 year and a half to three years

Lexgard GMCY
INCI name: Glyceryl Caprylate
Who has it:?
Hydro / Lipo:
Note: also used as an emollient and coemulsionante

Inci name: Phenoxyethanol (and) glycol caprylyl
Who has it: Gracefruit, Lotioncrafter
Hydro / Lipo:?
Dosage: 0.5-1.5% pH
Restrictions: No
Notes: is the maximum temperature of 60 ° C

Inci name: Dehyroacetic acid, Benzyl alcohol
Who's got
: Bilby & Co
Hydro / Lipo:?
Dosage: 0.6 to 0.8%
Restrictions pH: 2 to 7

Geogard Ultra
INCI name: Gluconolactone (and) Sodium Benzoate
Who has it: lotioncrafter
Hydro / Lipo:
Note: now they sell it by the name of NeoDefend and the incidence is: Gluconolactone (and) Sodium Benzoate

Unfortunately I could not complete the "boards" of some preservatives, because I did not , never used and do not know them well, and unfortunately not all sites show the complete technical specifications of products. So if anyone has any info as well write them in the comments which then published the post:)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

How To Write Proposal On A Tv Programme

snowing ... For beautiful hair

today just wake up here in Milan I had a pleasant surprise: many beautiful white, fluffy flakes of snow: D it was so that I could not see more ... I would post pictures but now I can not! if I can do it after:) in Sicily instead there are 25 ° and sirocco wind from you ... the weather?

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Accuracy Hiv Test 30 Days

~ ~ Two

Hair care is something that I have never made a fool and even if you put that my hair has always been very manageable and with a tendency to knot spiccatissima capita look after it became even more obnoxious. But I've always loved long hair and I have always taken, and then willy-nilly I had to learn to take care.
Go all'ecobio was obviously the first serious and fundamental change. Although initially I was afraid because I had heard of people who find themselves with unmanageable hair, I decided because I knew that my transition was not complete without changing all'ecobio also care for the hair, face and body were not enough. Avoid
silicones, harsh surfactants, oils, conditioners killer for aquatic fauna and various other crap surely means less pollution ourselves and the environment, but the downside is that it can happen that become unmanageable hair at the beginning, as I said a little earlier. This is because the hair that had previously been coated with silicone and that there seemed to be smooth as silk (and instead had to be smooth silicones), they begin to purify themselves, and to appear to touch and to Avista as they are in reality. A hair covered with silicone certainly is not great, is not large and do not "breathe", even if it is then processed by bleaching, dyes and burned plates and company can not be at its best. It 's normal that after all this the poor capellini displayed dull, formless, lifeless, frizzy and so on and so forth! But you just need a little patience and little to just get used to new treatments and will recover.
But it may well be that this does not happen and that your hair is beautiful now! For example, I went so I was lucky, and my hair is now loved by shampoo and conditioner without silicone, have been agreed with the estequat the first time and love to cuddle:)
In short, my capellisono reborn. Before I never thought you could just touch the hair with your hands free of oil, but now the capellini "drink" the cream that is a pleasure: D and above all ... I discovered the true nature of my hair! I was first convinced them prone to fat (and rightly so they defending, poor), but now I know they are more prone to dry and require nurturing and attention, I can give them tailored to their real needs.
I found many useful tips on "hair fairy", a forum attended by girls who love the long hair and like to treat them much, and I learned many little tricks to take care of my hair without having to give them too much attention and achieve significant results. In fact, several precautions
base I had already, and are

  • comb before washing
  • Combing the first point and then go up to the root lengths
  • untie the knots with his hands
  • Wash with cold water (or warm)
  • Wash with mild surfactants
  • Feeding them with creams, oils and butters
  • Only cut with scissors, sharp
  • Bring linked to avoid a break or tear

Here, these were the only ones who did good deeds for them, poor! Now that I know a little more about how to treat them well to make them grow strong and beautiful I have also learned to:

  • Wash skin and not the lengths because so much is you wash the part that goes better with the shampoo, the cleaner the lengths and ends up, however, since they are the most delicate do not need to attack them and wipe them more much. Obviously if we did not pack a mask or oil, in which case the lengths wash is a must! : D
  • Use good phon: that is not too hot, maybe you mean:), and at a certain distance from the scalp and hair to prevent heat stress, the same dry it. Some people do not use it at all, but I can not help it, both summer and winter.
  • Avoid aggressive brushing and plate: the plate temperature and stress rupture risk are not ideal for brushing my hair. Not being alive in fact, if they are damaged the damage remains, we can not regenerate themselves, or help them with packs or other treatments, you can only expect that grows back. Of course if there is an event as an important evening, wedding, etc.. you can always make an exception, but do it after each shampoo, or worse, every day is strongly discouraged!
  • Do some hair, or at least try! even if I did not get some kind of results has been the most fun. Before I could not go beyond the tail or braid, now I have even learned to use the clips: D
  • tie them to sleep for not always find a thousand knots ... I used to always keep them loose at night, but the hair are tied too. Instead of tying this no longer happens. Since no patience hola me every night of the braid, tie them in a bun or stopped with a rubber band (all of cloth without metal parts). We combed the evening before going to sleep and the next day when I wake up I find them perfect as I had left, with no way of knotting during sleep, I know, seems stupid to me and instead has cambiatola capillifera life: D
  • Use the wooden comb: because the wood being a natural material and plastic do not thrilled. The only drawback is that if you splinter and then pulling icapelli no longer good.
  • Massaging skin well: serves to stimulate the microcirculation and thus promotes growth. Should be made to the plan and with fingertips, or with the appropriate "combs" with the tips of the teeth and round wood.
  • cut to the moon (low): this is what appeals most to me ever! When I read the first time I knew nothing, then I studied a little bit to the lunar calendar and I realized that it is important cut with a crescent moon for growth, and I believe it! :)

And these are the things that should be done to complete the hair care:

  • Use a satin pillow , I always think against the nodes
  • Making henna: strengthen, polishing, and embodies, I have not tried it yet but I can not wait to cuddle with the neutral henna:)
  • Cut at home only to save time, pennies and arrabiature with several stylists ... I still do not have ventured on me but I started to do some practice on other people's hair: D
  • Dilute the shampoo and use the spargishampo , actually I did it rarely but I have found it very well, so I stopped and now I use pure
  • Last rinse acid (citric acid or lemon juice or vinegar) to close the scales and make them shiny
  • Wash without surfactants, such as with shikakai, ghassoul ... I still have to equip, and also convince! :)

And how you treated your hair? Do you like caring for your hair? :)

Saturday, November 20, 2010

How To Undress Someone

YR buy from ...

few days ago I went to Yves Rocher, and I made two purchases, a lipstick and a lip balm, here they are:

The history of lipstick I did a little angry, because I went into the store looking for a lipstick dall'inci cute that I had never seen the box and I accidentally got this. Ok, no bio is why my mistake to buy it, but how do you see if the ingredients are good, if not we write them? the thing that made me most upset by was this: that the incidence is not there. That is on the product packaging is missing, but there is a bullet markers on plastichina surrounding the lipstick with a book open and a hand that would be this one:

that indicates that if you want you must ask the incidence 0_0 I had not yet seen this in store ... but the orders have not been able to give me I am blessed incidence (and I'm sure have thought "but that what he wants ? ") so if you want I have to request via internet customer service (but sbattimentooo!), if not I can continue to smear the lipstick from my mysterious secret ingredients ... Because everyone writes the incidence on their cosmetics and they do not? I do not think this thing very seriously, because I wanted to also try their oatmeal cream for hair but I know that I will not ...

lip balm is rather nice, I grimly for the event, is part of the organic and there are even written the ingredients ... and even that is not cost, about € 4 I think. Spignattare I wanted something like that, that is a kind of cold cream for the lips, high% of fat but also contain water - I prefer it because it hydrates more - and when I saw this I liked and I took it out of curiosity. It spreads well and smell good but I have not yet figured out if it absorbs well, so I have to test its effectiveness in the long run but for now I'm glad I took. This is his

INCI: Bis-
Diglyceryl Polyacyladipate-2, Sesamum indicum Seed Oil *, Caprylic Capric Tryglyceride, Cera Alba, Ricinus Communis Seed Oil, Hydroxystearic / Linolenic / Oleic Polyglycerides, Polyglyceryl-Triisostearoyl 3 Dimer Dilinoleate, Mel, Glycerin, Cetyl Palmitate, Oleic / Linoleic / Linolenic Polyglycerides, Theobroma Cacao Seed Butter *, myristyl Lactate, Hydrogenated Castor Oil, Prunus Amygdalus Dulcis Oil *, Corylus Avellana Nut Oil *, Aqua, Mica, Parfum , Castanea Sativa Seed Extract *, Limonene, Linalool, Eugenol, Benzyl Salicylate, Citral, Geraniol, CI 77891

What do you think? Do you like the products? know the history of bullet markers with the book?
kisses kisses: *

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Employee Annual Evaluation Verbiage

Christmas cake .... Industrial or artisan? 1 st installment of a virtual

Among the various issues that afflict the common sense of the vast community of users of panettone, at least one is worthy of attention: dualism between industrial and artisanal panettone panettone . It is a duality dummy, which is largely due to an error of perspective. The panettone panettone and artisanal industry, although they represent variations of the same product, correspond to the needs and expectations significantly different aesthetic food.

Panettone industry, notorious even among the less greedy, is on the market under different brands (some famous); usually different age price are to relate to a different qualitative value, according to a quality / price ratio fairly constant, which allows us to direct our choice. Anyone who wants a better product, more soft and fragrant, will spend a few euro more.

The cake is usually produced by artisan bakeries and craft workshops, small and medium enterprises that do not work in an industrial product. This implies that its price is much higher, not necessarily with a proportional gain in quality. The largest expenditure, however, is justified by the slight difference in taste, and the obvious freshness of the product. While the panettone industry began to be produced in August to be sold around the Christmas period, the industrial cake bought at the confectioner of trust or will be produced on commission or have seniority up to a few days. To each his own.

the next few "episodes" ... some reviews.!

How To Change Sims Aspiration On Sims 3

their blog to the reality of meals at the Salone del Gusto 2010. Came the chef-bloggers. Little chefs grow

They call it "food-blog revolution", and is another proof of how the Internet is able to innovate from the bottom and provide new insights to the reality that exists in virtually every field: from 'information communication in general, through areas traditionally reserved to industry experts, as with that food. And if someone may seem excessive to speak of a revolution, at least we are faced with a significant evolution, meanwhile, after picking up a good consensus from the users of the virtual network, has exceeded the boundaries of the Internet also to bring his experience at the Salone del Gusto 2010, thanks to the interesting initiative Pasta Garofalo, who, in collaboration with the Web portal She has promoted the contest "Blogger on stage at the Salone del Gusto".

Ten chef-bloggers, seen as the most deserving by a panel of quality according to a formula presented for the occasion, you are indeed learn how to prepare a first course, assisted by a professional chef, to submit to the participants on its workhorse inspired by the pasta. Almost all self-taught, this and this chef-bloggers share a visceral passion for cooking and the belief that the exchange across the network represents, at all levels, the future of this world, the concept among other well-summarized by the great Ferran AdriĆ  Turin during the days of the Show with these clear words: "The network will be the crucial element, will allow us to share our findings with anyone interested in cooking, in real time and in any part of the world and deal with them. "

well aware of the ten-chef bloggers busy in their preparations, leave the four walls, from the virtual keyboard, mouse and camera, to get real for the Salone del Gusto. A great opportunity that we shared with some of them, starting with Tweety Seal of Kucina blog, working on the first day of the contest with his Rigatoni with buffalo ricotta and zucchini, which is burdened with a surplus of emotions touched by opening dances. With her and with other participants, from Lydia's blog Capasso Tzatziki breakfast (omelette of macaroni and cauliflower on his plate) to Joan Esposito Lost-in-kitchen (Bucatini showed that blacks with broccoli, bacon, potatoes and cheese), we talked of past experiences, of how sometimes the blog is a way to renew and revive the mother's or grandmother's recipes, but also the place where you can compare all field, knowing that the public will pronounce on the quality of what is proposed. Sometimes, as in the case of exuberant Fabrizio Cioffi Arteteca's Kitchen (the contest with Spaghetti with shrimp and tomato), it comes to providing a creative outlet and flavorful to their irrepressible desire to do ("Arteteca" is precisely a word of the Neapolitan dialect which means craving, restlessness).

For someone who makes the leap and went from the professional side, such as in the case of Sigrid Verbert (in the cover photo, also work at the stand Garofalo), creator of the blog in 2005 brussels sprouts appreciated and now independent photographer and author of cookbooks, many are those who remain behind the keyboard, carefully cultivating his passion for taste and communication. In the belief of being part of a great community, which is intended to gradually feel more and more to its weight, and help to make more tangible the food-blog revolution.

From "La Stampa", 27/10/2010, Francesco Benincasa.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Ideas For Communication Boards

from the idea of \u200b\u200b kookchef Farfale and the hand of a school was born Grow Little Chefs, a cooking blog (understand short if it comes to recipes, articles and other food and wine), made for and by " teen / butterflies."
It is the latter, generation of digital natives, have no borders on the web ... and from there the idea.! Exploit and enhance the skills and expertise, providing a container to which they know and recognize the perimeter and area, and know where move.
will surely amaze and surprise them ... the hope of being able to fly.!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Fox Dirt Bike Bedding

Now also on facebook ...

What better showcase than that of the "king" of social networks?

Monday, October 25, 2010

Ragnarok Emblem Collection

kookchef A quick work with a baby website, holding a book on Italian cuisine!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Women In Girdles And Hose

News Pictures from the Salone del Gusto 2010

I think as a biennial Salone del Gusto is quite impossible to comment and review. Rather it is to live and "see."

Friday, July 16, 2010

Green Tree Python Breeders Canada

kookchef builds look forward to the Salone del Gusto 2010

Salone del Gusto 2010

The Salone del Gusto is in its eighth edition, devotes so fulfilled its international and established itself as a key moment in the calendar of everyone in the world who cares about food. Along with Terra Madre, in which two shares is now inseparable and interrelated that interact tightly with each other, the Salone del Gusto is perhaps the only place on earth where farmers and artisans, the world of academic culture and the cooks, great lovers enogastronomy and "simple" beginners can meet, exchange and creating friendships.
is the place where it produces a dense network of relationships in the name of sustainable food, who can still convey joy, and which is returned to its full value. The Salone del Gusto is therefore an educational event, because you can learn, learn, compare and learn, but all this is done in the name of a right to pleasure very responsible and fully supported. It is above all a party, made to know what we eat and celebrate the humanity that is involved in its production.
Piedmont Region, City of Turin and Slow Food welcome you to the Salone del Gusto 2010 !

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Funny Poems To Put In Wedding Cards

A dinner Scannabue

Last night I had dinner with " Scannabue " Coffee Restaurant located in an enchanting corner of San Salvario, and more specifically in Square Saluzzo, 25 / H .

The room, however small, to impress all'avventore who is preparing for the first time to enjoy the space. Even the wine list, which is proposed, even before the menu is truly inviting ... the wines start from classic Piedmontese and Italian Alps until you get one, albeit more limited selection of French wines. The choice falls on a Montepulciano d'Abruzzo, Cantina Zaccagnini Tralcetto 2007, great for pairing with meat.

My choice, conditioned by the reviews of other bloggers, has fallen on Sliced \u200b\u200bmeat Fassone of first choice, a classic Scannabue, that, like hearsay, is excellent and abundant in part, excellent cooking and tenderness.

Near the end of a meal dilemma ..! My beloved Tarte Tatin the world famous strawberries with Chantilly ? And why not both! Unfortunately, both have failed me ... the sweet tarte tatin was too heavy, too thick, apples, cream and pasta crust insignificant anonymously, without connotations sweet, but ...! The Chantilly, however, by no means harmonious, in contrast, the cream and vanilla too "thick", strawberries too anonymous (is that the season is still not the best) and whipped cream .... too ..!

Positive notes :
great atmosphere, great decor, courtesy and kindness to the top. Excellent wine list, good food of the paper. Delicious dishes throughout the meal.
negative Notes: Negative
conclusion of the meal with dessert, and toilets not appropriate to the style of the room.

Rating: 7